Hive Open Mic Week 74. Cover de "Jesucristo basta" by @johadejesus03

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¡Hola, amigos de la comunidad Hive! En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes una hermosa canción del álbum Somos Iglesia (2017) del grupo musical Un corazón, el cual es uno de mis grupos favoritos por sus composiciones con un poco de estilo indie o soft rock, además de sus letras poéticas y con buena base teológica.

Cuando en la vida sentimos que nos hace falta “algo”, lo cual no sabemos qué es, empezamos a actuar para realizar cada uno de los sueños que nos hemos trazado: terminar una carrera universitaria, comenzar un negocio propio, tener una relación con esa persona que tanto hemos idealizado, ser madres o padres, comprar una casa o un auto, viajar a otros países, y tantas otras metas que podemos tener.

Tales cosas en sí no son malas, sin embargo, podemos experimentar un vacío en el alma al darnos cuenta que todo eso no nos da la felicidad, nos sentimos frágiles y desamparados, lo que pensábamos que sería la plenitud de nuestras vidas y guardas de nuestras almas, no importa cuanto avancemos, notamos que no lo es. Cosa distinta sucede con Cristo. Al empezar a caminar con Dios y forjar una relación con él, toda nuestra vida empieza a tener un sentido diferente (y para bien), y podremos experimentar, al fin, que nuestro corazón empieza a estar lleno, rebosante de gozo y de paz, como dice el Salmo: tú guardarás en completa paz a aquel cuyo pensamiento en ti persevera. De eso se trata esta lírica: Jesucristo Basta.

Jesucristo Basta (Un Corazón)

Nuestros corazones insaciables son,
Hasta que conocen a su Salvador.
Tal y como somos nos amó,
Hoy nos acercamos sin temor.

Coro: Eres el agua que al beber nunca más tendremos sed
/Jesucristo Basta/
Mi castigo recibió y su herencia me entregó
/Jesucristo Basta/

Fuimos alcanzados por su grande amor,
Con brazos abiertos nos recibe hoy.
Tal y como somos nos amó,
Hoy nos acercamos sin temor.

Coro: Eres el agua que al beber nunca más tendremos sed
/Jesucristo Basta/
Mi castigo recibió y su herencia me entregó
/Jesucristo Basta/

/Tal y como somos nos amó,
Hoy nos acercamos sin temor/
Eres el agua que al beber nunca más tendremos sed
/Jesucristo Basta/
Mi castigo recibió y su herencia me entregó
/Jesucristo Basta/

Pista: Canal de Telegram “Pistas Cristianas”
Edición de audio y video: @rejicoronado

Hello, friends of the Hive community! On this occasion I want to share with you a beautiful song from the album Somos Iglesia (2017) by the musical group Un corazón, which is one of my favorite groups for their compositions with a bit of indie or soft rock style, in addition to their poetic lyrics and with good theological basis.

When in life we feel that we are missing "something", which we do not know what it is, we begin to act to realize each of the dreams we have set for ourselves: to finish a college degree, start our own business, have a relationship with that person we have idealized so much, become mothers or fathers, buy a house or a car, travel to other countries, and so many other goals we may have.

Such things in themselves are not bad, however, we may experience an emptiness in our souls when we realize that all these things do not bring us happiness, we feel fragile and helpless, what we thought would be the fullness of our lives and guardians of our souls, no matter how much we advance, we notice that it is not. It is different with Christ. As we begin to walk with God and forge a relationship with him, our whole life begins to have a different meaning (and for the better), and we can experience, at last, that our heart begins to be full, overflowing with joy and peace, as the Psalm says: you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you. That is what this lyric is about: Jesus Christ Enough.

Jesus Christ Enough (One Heart)

Our hearts are insatiable,
Till they know their Savior.
Just as we are He loved us,
Today we draw near without fear.

Chorus: You are the water that to drink we'll never thirst for more
/Jesus Christ Enough/
My punishment he received and his inheritance he gave me
/Jesus Christ Enough/

We were touched by his great love,
With open arms he receives us today.
Just as we are he loved us,
Today we draw near without fear.

Chorus: You are the water that we will never thirst to drink again.
/Jesus Christ Enough/
My punishment he received and his inheritance he gave me
/Jesus Christ Enough/

/ Just as we are / He loved us,
Today we draw near without fear/
You are the water that we shall never thirst for to drink again
/Jesus Christ Enough/
My punishment he received and his inheritance he gave me
/Jesus Christ Enough/

Track: Telegram Channel "Pistas Cristianas".
Audio and video editing: @rejicoronado

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