Naufragio. (Esp/Eng)

Los ojos al cielo, y sentidos suspiros, hacían que Mike se desesperara cada vez más.

Apenas llevaba 1 hora de viaje en la barca que le daría la salida de su país y a encontrar una mejor cálida de vida, pero la tormenta tenía planes diferentes para él y sus compañeros.

Tan solo él y otros 2 compañeros habían sobrevivido a los embates de la tempestad, pese a que viajaban más de 60 hombres y mujeres y niños.

En su mano solo tenía su teléfono celular, uno que en tierra firme le había ayudado en casi todas las cosas cotidianas, pero que ahora solo era una caja con teclas y una pantalla.

Al llegar a la isla, junto a sus 2 compañeros, habían acordado encontrarse en la orilla de la isla, pero ya hacía 4 días que esperaba noche tras noche que estos aparecieran, una espera que se hacía cada vez más tardía.

En su mochila, solo quedaban restos de chocolates que lo mantenían algo enérgico, especialmente por las noches, noches que se hacían eternas, y unas donde le era difícil conseguir el sueño, y donde peligraba su vida.

Sollozaba Mike, mientras trataba de entender su situación, no entendía cómo había pasado de imaginar abrazar a su familia e hijos, a estar tan solo y a la deriva, con su vida cuesta arriba.

- “Por Dios santo Mike, como ibas a creer que sería tan fácil cruzar hasta este país, maldita desgracia que me persigue a todos lados”- Así pensaba Mike casi todas las noches.

Especialmente las noches en que se imaginaba jugando en el parque con sus hijos y su amada Estela.

Prontamente sucedió algo que le daría a Mike algo de alivio, después de desarmar su aparato y tratando de que pudiera tener algo de batería, encendió.

Pese a todo, la señal escasa hacia que el dispositivo siguiera siendo inútil especialmente cuando más se le necesita.

En la zona alta de una palmera, Mike hacia lo posible para aprovechar el tiempo que tenía, para que la batería de su teléfono no se acabara, y pudiera enviar un mensaje de auxilio, para que fueran a rescatarlo.

Tan pronto la señal del móvil llego al su celular, las noticias del naufragio acabaron las pocas esperanzas de Mike, las esperanzas de salir de su penosa situación:

Tenemos una noticia para todos los habitantes de la costa de Gaspar, les queremos extender nuestras mas sentidas condolencias a las familias de las personas que iban en la balsa que se destinaba a cruzar la zona, todos los tripulantes, han desaparecido, por lo que su muerte es algo que a todos nos duele.

Los ojos de Mike se inundaban de lagrimas al saber de que las esperanzas de ser rescatado y de volver a mirar a su familia eran escasos.

¿Cuál sería la fuerzas que impulsaría a Mike a seguir teniendo fuerzas para luchar, y de volver a ver a aquellos a quienes amaba?

Versión en inglés

Eyes to the sky, and heartfelt sighs, made Mike more and more desperate.

He had barely been on the boat for an hour to leave his country and find a warmer life, but the storm had different plans for him and his companions.

Only he and two other companions had survived the onslaught of the storm, even though there were more than 60 men and women and children on board.

In his hand he only had his cell phone, one that on land had helped him in almost every day life, but now it was just a box with keys and a screen.

When he and his two companions arrived on the island, they had agreed to meet on the shore of the island, but for four days he had been waiting night after night for them to show up, a wait that was getting later and later.

In his backpack, there were only remains of chocolates that kept him somewhat energetic, especially at night, nights that were eternal, and some where it was difficult to get to sleep, and where his life was in danger.

Mike sobbed, as he tried to understand his situation, he did not understand how he had gone from imagining embracing his family and children, to being so alone and adrift, with his life going uphill.

  • "For God's sake Mike, how could you think it would be so easy to cross over to this country, damn misfortune chasing me everywhere"- That's how Mike thought almost every night.

Especially the nights when he imagined himself playing in the park with his children and his beloved Estela.

Soon something happened that would give Mike some relief, after disassembling his device and trying to get some battery power, he turned it on.

However, the poor signal meant that the device was still useless, especially when it was most needed.

At the top of a palm tree, Mike did his best to make the most of the time he had, so that the battery of his phone would not run out, and he could send a distress message, so that they would come to his rescue.

As soon as the cell phone signal reached his cell phone, the news of the shipwreck put an end to Mike's few hopes of getting out of his plight:

We have news for all the inhabitants of the coast of Gaspar, we want to extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the people who were on the raft that was destined to cross the area, all the crew members are missing, so their death is something that hurts us all.

Mike's eyes welled up with tears as he knew that his hopes of being rescued and seeing his family again were slim.

What would be the driving force that would keep Mike strong enough to fight, and to see those he loved again?


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