The Asgardian Phyle



There is currently an electronic stampede of idealistic and adventuresome dreamers signing up to be citizens of Asgardia... the off-earth nation, that will have it’s 100,000 earth treading ‘inhabitants’ recruited within days… if not hours.

I got in around the 24,000th citizen.

There is very little information on the projects website -> Asgardia.Space

The founder is Igor Ashurbeiyli.

As far as I understand the project… they plan to launch a satellite (in 2017 or 2018) and make that core of the nation. Citizens, however would stay on earth (for now?) and live within the boundaries of regular nation states.

I would like to interview someone from Asgardia on my show ‘Seem Sharks’ (a pitch and startup show for anarcho-capitalists and extropians).

Here are the preliminary questions that I have for the founder of Asgardia...

  1. What advantages will the citizens of Asgardia have over citizens of regular nation states?

  2. Will Asgardians have to pay taxes to Asgardia?

  3. Is there plans for Asgardia to build an actual space settlement in the future where it’s citizens can live on?

I am looking forward to see what 'Steemians' say in the comments about 'Asgardians'.

It might be like bitnation, but with the database orbiting on a satellite.

Remember all of the different phyles in the book 'Diamond Age'?

The Asgardian Phyle just might be one of our future choices.

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