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Soundeon - Decentralized and Vertically Integrated Blockchain Music Platform

Soundeon is the first decentralized and vertically integrated platform covering all aspects of the industry, from the creation and licensing of the product, to the marketplace for reselling rights to existing and future music assets, as well as concerts.

The achievements of blockchain technology allowed Soundeon platform to create CreativeSmartContract (CSC) ™ -a copyright agreement, which is the basis of the platform. Information symmetry, the immutability and flexibility of CSC ™ increase the fairness, transparency, credibility and ease of its application, which are not present in the industry at present.

The music industry is complicated, which makes it closed to most musicians. In order to achieve recognition, it is necessary to contact various participants of the music industry (music producers and managers, labels, concert agencies), which only point out the needs of musicians. In a world that is changing faster and faster, the old approaches are losing their relevance, the music industry needs new solutions that could guarantee equal opportunities for all.

The Soundeon ecosystem is an architectural protocol for modern media. The Soundeon platform has brought together experts in the field of blockbuster, software developers, intellectual property specialists and media executives, as well as artists known in the media industry.

Soundeon provides a distribution, financing, royalty and ticket distribution solution using CreativeSmartContractTM, which provides transparency for tracking ownership of music, monetizing and selling tickets. Using block-based technologies, artists have the right to take control of their works and even sell future royalties in micropayments to their dedicated fans.

Soundeon uses a comprehensive approach to eliminate inefficient and obsolete commercial practices that adversely affect both performers and their fans, both online and offline.

Mission Soundeon
View exceptional talents and allow creators to gain more control for their work. The implementation of the Soundeon mission was made possible in connection with the development of a new copyright management solution based on smart contracts, which ensures fairness, transparency and invariance of all operations performed and provides an opportunity for closer communication between artists and fans.

Soundeon Vision
Combining the entire experience of the music industry into a complete cycle solution that provides transparency and innovates into the music industry. Creation of an ecosystem in which success depends on the efforts and talent of the creator, in which every artist can fully focus on creativity.
Soundeon proclaims the principle of equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, religion or family background. Our social responsibility is to promote art within communities that lack favorable development conditions. Soundeon distributes 10% of its income for charitable purposes.
Through the native implementation of technology - CSC, creative smart contracts (CreativeSmartContract) - the Soundeon protocol resolves the previously presented problems by developing the following levels of the original application:

MusicTokenSale- The ability to run your own TokenSale and collect funding from the platform users. Musicians have the opportunity to conduct their own TokenSale and find funding to implement all their creative plans (recording a new music album, shooting a video clip, etc.).
Music lovers can try themselves in the role of producer and support talented musicians, in the future become a co-owner of musical works and receive royalties from all possible sources (concert activity, public listening, streaming services, etc.).

Soundeon Exchange - A tokenization tool and a decentralized exchange of intellectual property, where everyone can buy and sell rights to musical assets. The opportunity to create a diversified music portfolio and receive royalties from it.

With the help of Soundeon Exchange, musicians can sell the rights to music pieces in order to expand the ability to monetize existing music projects, and fans can form their music portfolio that is less prone to market downturns than traditional financial instruments and provides diversification from market volatility.

Soundeon Tix - Intelligent ticket sales platform integrated into the Soundeon ecosystem. The system is based on CreativeSmartContracts and uses dynamic QR codes. This technology eliminates scalping, fraud and introduces a system in which the organizers have more control over ticket sales.

Soundeon Tix provides the opportunity to organize concerts independently and to control the sale of tickets using the protocol Soundeon, which uses smart contracts on the blockchain etherium.
The use of blockchain technology ensures fair and rapid distribution of tickets, protects event organizers from uncontrolled buying and reselling, and fans from fraud and inflated prices when buying tickets on the secondary market. Musicians can profit from both direct sale of tickets on the platform, and from secondary resale, the possibility for legalization, which are provided within the Soundeon protocol.

Soundeon Monitor - The main idea of ​​RoyaltyMonitor is to combine data aggregation and data analysis. Artists and fans will be able to transparently track all streams of royalties and other revenues, including from the sale of tickets.

Musicians can register the rights to musical works. Aggregation in one place of all royalties received both within the platform and in third-party services, with integrated technology of deep data analytics, which unites all aspects of the artist's creativity (copyrights and related rights, royalty collection, ticket revenues).
Music lovers can track the performance of the music portfolio (aggregated royalty) and get the most reliable data that will help make the decision to purchase the most attractive music asset. The mechanism of data analysis will allow analyzing the behavior of fans, predicting the upcoming trends and the possibilities for expanding monetization channels.

Soundeon Player - A music player that uses blocking technology to transparently distribute royalties.
A streaming player that uses blocking technology to transparently collect data on the number of music plays. Information is entered in the decentralized register directly, which guarantees its reliability.
This helps to achieve an equitable distribution of royalties in the interests of all participants in the platform, and to provide the most accurate analysis.

Thanks to the credit smart contract, each new work of the performer receives a timestamp and can be submitted to the copyright registration authorities (ie the USA Copyright Office) for additional third-party assurance. Moreover, the creative smart contract, at the time of its creation, can be broken into parts by agreement between the creators. This solves the common problem of legal disagreements related to the non-fulfillment of support by the performers in the form of a fair share of income within a certain work. The simple process of creating a contract for publishing rights allows independent executors to avoid large expenses for paying a lawyer or wasting time on the self-acceptance of appropriate measures that turn out to be legally incompetent.

Elegant platform architecture and API-interface contribute to further growth of the environment at the expense of third parties.

Performers can receive funding and implement their creative ideas on the platform (record a new album or track, make music videos, etc.), organizing the sale of their own music tokens.
Fans of music can try themselves as music producers, investing in talented musicians and becoming co-owners of copyrights, and get in the future revenues from future royalties and other revenue channels (services for streaming music, concerts, other public appearances, etc.). Sale of music tokens Soundeon is a function based on the Soundeon Exchange.

Token Soundeon

The Soundeon-Sounden Token protocol marker is a vital tool used for the economic incentive of platform participants. In particular, the Soundeon token is used to encourage and reward early supporters that enhance the value of the platform.
The technical and economic characteristics of the Soundeon token provide a highly liquid, low-cost form of exchange on the platform. Here are the key scenarios for using the Soundeon token:
Token Soundeon is an auxiliary payment mechanism for the services provided within the platform (Sales of music tokens, Soundeon Exchange, Soundeon Player, Soundeon Tickets), as well as through partner channels that are integrated with the Soundeon environment.
Soundeon tokens guarantee no differences in vortexing.
Soundeon tokens enable micropayments with low transaction costs for more accurate fragmentation, providing higher value to listeners, and establishing a liquidity support mechanism for performers (who can then use the token at other levels of the platform, as well as working with platform partners).

In addition to the Soundeon token on the Soundeon platform, the use of alternative forms of payment is available, namely, leading crypto currencies and fiat currencies.

Sale of music tokens Soundeon
The sale of music tokens is available to registered artists who have passed the KYC procedure and are willing to finance their work, inviting fans and the general public to participate in the creative process.

Token distribution:
65% of the tokens will be used for product development.
14% of the tokens will be given to the founders of the project.
4% of the tokens will be given to early supporters.
6% of the tokens will be given to councillors.
3% will be intended for the pool bounty.
2% reserve Fund.
6% of the tokens will be allocated to charitable programs.

The performer uses the Soundeon platform to create a roadmap Sales of music tokens based on one of the existing templates and standard blocks. The visual designer allows you to set the timeframe, objectives and procedure for financing for each stage of production, as well as the conditions for unlocking the next stage. The entire road map is published as a set of smart contracts.

Tickets Soundeon allow artists to issue tickets and control their distribution using smart contracts.
Visual designer helps to create the program, adding songs that will be performed.
Concert organizers available a separate wallet for different expenses, facilitate the payment of all necessary equipment, etc.
Soundeon reduces the risks associated with the resale of tickets, and will ensure that the artists or rights holders will be to maximize revenues, allowing the audience to buy and sell tickets on the Exchange Soundeon.

Team Soundeon

All the important information can be found here:


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