Market, BTC, News, Podcasts, Coffee..

Alot of Political and Geographical uncertainties that have resulted in the Crypto market and Stock market to plummet. It has also impacted the Dollar, Gold price and Oil.

With the Bitcoin halving event just around the corner, 5 days 5 hours and 50 minutes to be precise (as per BTC countdown). Many predict based on historical performance and charts where months after the halving prices of BTC goes parabolic. It is important to understand circumstances, global tensions and uncertainty can change the performances of various stocks and commodities. These are important facts to consider and not be hasty with your hard earned money. Be clued with the news, facts and charts rather than the herd, misinformation and hype.

On a lighter note, it is Sunday and it's all about Podcasts, intellectual, inspirational and motivational videos. It is a great way to nourish and strengthen the mind and soul with positivity and encouragement. Rather helpful in preparing for the coming week and its challenges as life can be rather heavy including its chaos.

Whatever you are doing or have planned to do this weekend to relax and prepare for the week to come, hope it is meaningful and positive.

Here's to a great Coffee moment ☕

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