The Big Whale is spinning a false narrative that has been addressed.


AVOID htpps:// its a scam. Early on the founder Christopher Kramer took the community funds in the Oracle and sold them to continue keeping the company afloat after an advisor provided bad developers. Furthermore, Chris did this after he mortgaged his house twice. SoMee has struggled to find capital because Chris has no skills when speaking to investors and has been running the longest start up scam in history. He has constantly held back payments from developers. The only reason that the company was alive is because of The Fully Monty and The Cat funded it convincing Cardstarter to do an IDO. The Cat also worked to find funding for SoMee with a friend. Dump $SoMee and $SAT it will never go anywhere take it from someone who was on the inside. All the talk about influencers is all hype. They were talking to the kardashians but it was never anything more than talk portrayed as a sealed deal. I believed Chris and his lies too. The truth is Chris hasn't paid most of who hes worked with over the years. Hes in a lot of debt. Just ask his former development team @BrianConte. Chris has connections but he has to pay people to work and he owes Jamie Gold among other advisors money. Chris and SoMee is actually about to get sued by Brian Conte because he hasn't paid him. Republic has been holding off because they were doing their due dilligence on SoMee. Here's your due dilligence avoid it.

The above has been addressed by Phillip Rumple. Please do yourself a favor @the-big-whale and integrate yourself to the SoMeeOfficialUpdates on telegram and other groups where these things are discussed. Here is Phillip's answer to your allegations by the way below.

Phillip Rumple:

I'm not going to cross post the CONTENT of this....massively offensive post that was sent to me via messages, but, I will respond to it:

Hes in a lot of debt. Just ask his former development team @BrianConte. - Brian has already tried to sue, but due to how things were handled on his end, he lost that case. So, not really true there at all.

SoMee is about to be sued by Brian Conte:

  • We are not. We were in no breach of contract with the guy, and have paid what he was supposed to be paid, but did counter his claims for the mobile app, as they were not what was promised.

Republic has been holding off because they were doing their due dilligence on SoMee.

  • SoMee Passed due dilligence with Republic (took about 2 years) and we were allowed to post on republic w/o issue. We had some issues w/ Republic directly where they kept forcing reconfirmation after material changes were made to the campaign, when they said they wouldn't, but other than that, our relationship with them, isn't even negative.

Phillip getting put out of his home probably another scam - WTF is this nonsense? I moved my entire family from Las Vegas out to Colorado only to be scammed out of our future home by a fraudster who scammed more than 8 other people at the same time, for the same damn scam. We have a police case, FBI case, and were even on ABC news for it. You can read it here:

And on CBS News:

I mean, c'mon, hardly a scam if it was on national Television and they had all the evidence, and even spoke to the police.

Nice try though.

The main points of -concern- for blockchain users:

  1. The company doesn't appear to be going anywhere with the social site 2. The tokens are mostly not worth much

When the reality is that the Social Site is still online, and still operational. And, we have partnered with entities to bring in more people, but we are not actively promoting the social side at the moment.

The tokens are indeed not worth much, as there's little use for the tokens on the social side at the moment - from an advertising point of view, and from a token point of view. Mainly because the HIVE network directly isn't a good spot to land on for SoMee w/ all the current technical limitations of that platform, nor is it a good way to hold the tokens for value on the Hive Engine side, as that sub network (layer 2 on top of hive), isn't that reliable any more, and has frequent server/site issues.

So, we are working on a different plan here. One that will marry both the existing social services as well as the blockchain services, using our own blockchain and our own contracts - but that, takes time to actually work.

As to the claims that Chris hasn't paid anyone - and that it was Chris who didn't pay ME that caused ME to loose out on the house we were signed for in Colorado? That's utter nonsense. That was a scammer that took a lot of peole for money - Chris had nothing to do it with - in fact, if it were not for Chris AND the GoFundMe we would have been on the streets.

Has this project gone slow? Yep! But, we are still here, unlike ALL of the other so called 'blockchain social media' services - we haven't disappeared, and we have done what we have done to make everything happen in a stable and smooth way. Does that mean that it may be a glacial pace? Probably. But, that's what keeps us here.

And, as to the AI side - we are making great strides in it, even have current development teams working on some Agency SaaS based software to extend our AI services and offerings. So, given we have more than a few signed deals on the AI side, I highly doubt you can claim SoMee isn't doing things.

Further customer concerns have been addressed since November 20th on their Telegram main chat and update section. Please read below...

SoMee Team:

Official Statement Addressing Customer Concerns About Service Uniqueness

Hey everyone, this is Phillip. We take the feedback and concerns of our customers seriously. We understand that some of you have noticed similarities in our web interfaces and templates to those used by other services. We want to address these concerns directly and transparently.

Our decision to utilize widely-recognized and proven web templates, white labeled core services, or core components that are developed FOR us, is driven by our commitment to providing reliable, user-friendly, and accessible services. These software frameworks and components, templates and services allow us to focus our resources and expertise on delivering the unique value and specialized functionality that our customers expect from us.

However, we recognize that uniqueness in presentation is also important. It’s crucial to us that our customers feel confident in the distinctiveness and quality of our services. Therefore, we are committed to enhancing our customization efforts. Our development team is actively working on incorporating more unique elements and features into our web design, ensuring that while our foundations are robust and reliable, the experience we offer stands out in the market.

We want to reassure our members that the core of our service – the unparalleled quality, dedication, and tailored solutions we provide – remains distinct and unmatched. Our use of common templates, frameworks and software components does not diminish the bespoke experience and specialized services we are proud to offer.

Your trust in us is paramount, and we are dedicated to continuously improving and differentiating our services to not only meet but exceed your expectations. We value your feedback as it drives our growth and helps us serve you better.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in SoMee. We are excited about the future and the opportunity to showcase the unique aspects of our services that make us stand out in the industry.

Note guys, our social framework and ai framework is available to agencies, for resell and white label; even our AI SaaS software we are developing is available for purchase by agencies.

Using these services, our partner developed services that we have for social media and our joint venture components we have for ai, allow us to focus on what we do best.

Developing everything from the ground up, from scratch, just isn’t needed anymore in this market. Using the partner services we offer, which are highly customized to provide the services and backend technology workings that our frameworks need, allows us to focus our development efforts where they belong: on active, revenue generating projects and furthering our social frameworks through ai.

I’ll be fully honest with ya, I have even used AI to code several peers of the SoMee social service and SoMee ai offerings.

I’ve used ai design software to create several of our landing pages as well.

I’ve used ai enhanced scripting components, copyright components and such to also provide the details we need on these landing pages.

This isn’t anything negative. It’s simply using the resources we have to provide the services we want to provide for you.

If you have any questions, please hit me up or send us an email at

Please keep yourself updated by using Telegram and sharing your concerns with the team. You are not the only one 99.99% down on your tokens. This is how markets work unfortunately and throughout the years i have learned to embrace the beauty of that. The fact this project is way down does not automatically make it a scam. Projects fall as far as 100% in bear markets and recover in bull markets. Babyswap for example is a fantastic project and it is down 99.7%. I'll bet it will make a full recovery in the Bull Market after the halving. In fact, babyswap is already recovering. It is a very good idea to double down on these projects that are down, at least that is my strategy to make huge gains during the bull market and not financial advice. SoMee Platform and on Hive, is also a great place to bring up your concerns. Try not to continuously spam the same exact posts over and over because your account can get blacklisted by the Hive Watchers if someone reports you, or if the watchers notice it. Blacklisted doesn't mean you won't be able to post. However, your outreach is going to be severly affected and no one wants that here.

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