RE: Will The “Dirty 16” Be Convicted of Genocide?

I'll be very surprised if any of the courts they've filed in take this up. As near as I can tell, all the stuff in the ICC complaint has already been examined by several courts that found no cause to proceed. I couldn't find any links to the assumed filing in other courts on two continents. I'm pretty sure that filing a complaint doesn't guarantee a court date,

The ICC has taken a little flak in recent years over prosecuting mostly cases against black warlords, so who knows? Maybe they'll take this just to counter that narrative, but I'm pretty sure they would just dismiss all of these charges.

Unless of course Dr. Fuellmich has some evidence to back up all the things he says he believes. That would be great to see, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Much of what he says is just leading and loaded with trigger words, and reads (to me) like a publicity stunt.

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