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In villages, we recognize our different families and are loyal to family interests. The different families in a village forget their differences at home and unite to push for the interest of their "village people" even if it's against other villages in a Local Government Area (LGA)

Outside of the LGA, we forget our differences and unite to support ourselves even if it's against other LGAs in a state because we are from the same LGA.


When we get out of the State, indigenes of different LGAs join forces to support themselves even if it's at the detriment of other states.

If you see a Nigerian out of the shores of the country, he most likely wouldn't pay attention to your state of origin, he just believes his brother is around and there is this solidarity and support you get.

An African will most likely do same to a fellow African he meets in Europe or America.

If you hear someone speak your language in a crowd, somehow it just gets your attention and you want to help.

If you can genuinely decide to help a brother from a different state because you both are in a foreign country, then why not do it in the country?

I think we are divided among many lines because we chose to. We can actually live and love ourselves if we want to.

I'm Jay Sun and I believe you must not wait until you are out of the shores of the country to be nice to your fellow countrymen who are from the north or east.
