Win Win All the Way and a Non Violent Approach to Unshackling Our Bonds- Micro Blog

Is it time to think the unthinkable? We are fast running out of time regarding our toxic overload and as more time passes the more we might need to think about lobbying our police and military factions the world over to come back to our side and arrest our nastiest politicians and boardroom members/CEO's (a globalised coup no less), and then we can start to organise a cleanup of the place. I know there are going to be objectors to this idea and for a change I'm not willing to entertain such objections or start a debate. There are people in the system with immense influence and power that do care and that could start the ball rolling. I don't want to hear about retribution and revenge either, I know a few people in my friends list and life have a 'hang the bankers' type of attitude and I think they're truly idiots for holding such views.......the only way out will be a win win situation for everybody, even if it means that psychopaths and the rest are just relegated to playing video games under supervision for the rest of their time on this wonderful Earth. There are Activists out there with the ingenuity and know how to start putting on the pressure, organising some guidelines and getting them published.

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