Was it All a Lie?

Society can force us to be many things. Sadly, some of those are often things that go against who we truly are on the inside. All to fit inside a mold for a society that doesn't really care about us. My ex-wife was one of the victims of that environment. So I wrote about my experience as I witnessed her breaking away from the chains of her religion and into the person she wanted to be. The one waiting to burst from within.

Dash The Bomber writes: My wife can’t be a lesbian, can she? Incredulously, I repeated these words in my head as passionate memories of love, sex, and affection flooded through my mind. Furiously denying the events that were unfolding right in front of my eyes, I kept wishing they simply weren’t true. But, reality is a cold mistress and we were having a battle that I was not meant to win.

Read it here:


Originally I wrote this on Medium because I thought I'd be able to get plenty of eyes on it, but I guess not. I'm sharing it here as the original writer of this piece.

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