饾暐饾晼饾晵饾暈饾暀饾暒饾暈饾晸饾暆饾晼 // 2nd Jan // On my Soapbox with some News!

i'm really into playing with new tools, i'm not sure i can afford the $12.50 export cost of wistia for 'one seat' to be able to export the videos but i do like the tool, it's simple to use and offers a really good solution if you want to record the webcam and the screen at the same time, you can do simple animations and change the settings for video quality, i've not worked out how to set my microphone and i've been having some general issues with that just lately -- maybe i need to investigate that today.

if you click on the image you will go through to the soapbox recording, i think i could use this for reviews but i'm not sure it's worth the $12.50 a month when i can use another tool that i own to give me the same result -- that being said there is something to be said for ease of use and clicking a button in a program you are already using, we have not gotten to that utopian land where apps and programs just work together and don't lag out your machine, maybe it's just time to consider system updates eh?

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