Reminiscing Of My Preferred Method Smoking Shatter - Girl Scout Cookies

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Glass Dabber

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Man.... do you remember those days as a kid when we would go out and try find somewhere to setup a torch and knife? This was before shatter had an official name.... we called it honey oil if im not mistaken but the stiffness was mostly considered a side effect with the liquid oils being more sought after.


LOL don't mind the fiances hair on the wall 😅

I wish back then I had one of these glass dabbers, it would have made the guerrilla warfare style session a lot simpler. We were shit heads...

Can still remember the best 4:20 we ever had was when breaking into a house to hotbox the bathroom and getting caught just as we finished the session LOL no damage done and the house was being renovated anyways so the worker dude brushed us off saying he "seen nothing" 😁

We didn't have a bad setup, at the hang out was a big propane tank setup with an adapter and torch nozzle... he always had his knives bent perfectly so you could hang it off the torch head while warming and the heated part was bent slightly like a spoon... 🤔 always wondered how he did that...

The mobile setup was my gig 😉 back then we were still on foot or pedal bike. I usually had one of those white cigarette tubs with my goods and equipment in it beside my torch all nestled perfectly in my backpack. I had that set up nearly everywhere we went but sadly no awesome toker like this..... sometimes id have my bag packed with school stuff and whatever else and glass was never a good option so never explored the options....


You wouldn't believe how many times one of us would get burnt... if you know what it is from then it is an unmistakable mark 🤣 especially if you get the toothed edge of the butter knife seared into your lip 🤣 you know the down side of gorilla sessions being precarious smoking spots sometimes footing is an issue.... we tried plastic but often it would end with plastic tokes....

Say we had one of those style tokers I imagine our days of smoking oils would have been a lot less scaring 😜

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