Happy smile # people need humanitarian assistance


Family Card Name written by Rahman. Born in Aceh Indonesia March 10, 1978. The man who lives in Cow Shed. And known as farmers and ranchers. His personality attracts great communication. His sense of humor is very strong and does not maintain the image. It also has advantages, namely a good social attitude towards people around the environment. And work with Rahman to joke with people and easy to become good friends.

Personality, Rahman has a different character with other farmers. He has a good supply of knowledge with agriculture, and rationally. The level of weakness is only the lack of technology and organizational aspects such as, economics and other needs. He farms on his own without having a group of farmers or other organizations. It is also not yet modern in style.

The advantages and disadvantages placed on the social aspect in the space of agricultural empowerment, a figure like Rahman is enough to be a good capital to be processed further to produce the economy (progress) for the necessities of life, Rahman own life has no family.

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