needle dragonfly

Dragonfly, needles are common, we can find in grass and swamp aceh.
The dragonflies calmly waited for the flying insect, then swiftly grabbed the insect
Dragonflies that usually play in the swamp area and the riverside.
It's says the needle dragonfly because of its small body.
Dragonflies needle green body And the wings are brown.

the needle dragonfly that I got when I went fishing in the swamp, and I had the opportunity to take pictures of this unique needle dragonfly.

In my opinion, this needle dragonfly, he was not too aggressive, only made me difficult when taking a picture, this needle dragonfly, standing on the grass far from the edge.

while the grass was located a little in the middle of the swamp, I had to be patient, waiting for this needle dragonfly to move closer to me.

Cameraxiaomi 4A redmi
Taken By@yushadiyunus
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

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