aggressive yellow dragonfly

good afternoon all, how are you all, hopefully all in good health, in my blog today, yellow dragonflies in the grassland.

Yellow dragonflies are which very aggressive, he is very difficult to stop, I am very difficult to get a picture of this yellow dragonfly, but with my patience, finally I can take pictures of yellow dragonflies for some pictures.

Dragonflies are insects that have four wings and eye which big ,with the ability to fly in the air.
dragonflies, clever and accomplished predator insects in searching for prey.
and Dragonflies are carnivorous animals.He usually eats mosquitoes, ants.
pictures of dragonflies I met in the grasslands, which happened to be close to my house.
however, the uniqueness of these insects is different, they have their own advantages and uniqueness.

Cameraxiaomi 4A redmi
Taken By@yushadiyunus
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

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