Lhok Mata Ie Beach With Hidden Natural Beauty.

![Editing (2).jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmXo1BQDW6j2iwxTokLQTLgLvjy7ogC5RbduKfG7ScN4Bg/Editing%20(2)

This photo was taken when we were on holiday to Lhok Mata ie, Banda Aceh. the scenery here is very beautiful with the backdrop of the open sea. we can remove the fatigue after doing the activity.

But the road to here needs extra energy because the mileage from the mainland to here takes 1.5 hours from the daycare because the terrain that we will not be traveled by using a vehicle.

this is one path to get there

But this is all the fatigue that we will pay all with beautiful scenery treat when we have reached the destination.

this is the location

With a blend of natural white sand and nature, I guarantee you will feel the comfort during the stay here. I suggest that you invite friends or relatives to enjoy the beauty of nature here by bringing camping equipment. so you can also feel the waves at night.

I will someday want to go back to visit lhok mata ie beach with hidden natural beauty.

Maybe this is I can share with you and I recommend this place for you to visit it. And don't forget to vote follow and resteem.

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