Why dragonflies often perched on twigs often silent do not do any activity...?



In my blog and post this time, I am showing a photo of my work with a winged insect image object or called a dragonfly, there are two types of dragonflies that I managed to capture by using a smartphone camera, the first and second photographs are a very tame type of forest dragonflies, and he is not difficult to photograph closely, for the third and fourth photographs is a kind of dragonfly that is quite difficult to approach, because he belongs to a tame dragonfly, these two types of dragonfly and some other species of dragonfly I photographed when it was perched on the tree branch there are any activities, as well as the fifth and sixth photos, this is a very aggressive dragonfly, this dragonfly including other small insect predators, and photos that I managed to capture this, is a photo of dragonfly is preying on insects, all these photos I capture with a smartphone camera.

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