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Journal – Flowers, food and garden volunteers

Just a few photos and thoughts about this week. Here’s a picture of a flower that was growing in a garden by a Mexican restaurant where we ate. I’m not sure what kind it was. There were many types of flowers and impressive looking plants growing in the garden.

A garden flower – click for viewing full screen

Here’s a picture of the garden gate that I thought was interesting. The tables outside were fun to eat at the food was wonderful.

A garden gate – click for viewing full screen

I turned the compost pile in my garden a while back and shoveled some of the finished compost out on the ground. It rained on the compost and then the sun came out and all of these volunteer garden vegetables came up.

It looks like someone planted cucumbers, squash and some lettuce. Things seem to be doing very nicely as compared to my specially tended, watered and nurtured garden plants. Go figure.

Garden volunteers in the compost – click for viewing full screen

There does seem to be a problem with over watering around here. My potatoes in the backyard are doing much better than the ones in the front yard, which have yellowing leaves. I hardly ever water the ones in the backyard.

The Japanese shiso plants are doing fine though. It is tough to find seeds for these plants around here and some of the seeds you get don’t germinate very well.

Shiso tastes very good and you can eat it by toasting the leaves lightly and wrapping them around rice. You can also put these leaves in a salad. Here’s a few that were harvested to eat with rice:

Japanese treat, shiso leaves – click for viewing full screen

Feeling poetic:

Sometimes in the morning I go out begging in my yard.
Sometimes the raspberry bushes give me something,
and sometimes the blueberries or blackberries do.
Occasionally there are huckleberries too.

A bowl of raspberries, next to oregano and thyme – click for viewing full screen

Usually I can find something to put in my bowl, even if it is just some dried up stinging nettle leaves, LOL. The plants give freely and ask nothing in return, I don’t even water the bushes but I do trim them. I feel very blessed and I hope that everyone can be as well.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+ and the first picture was altered with effects by Google Photos.