My Phone My Addiction

If asked who you love most between your phone or your partner. I know most will say their partners. But the truth is our smartphones takes the most of our heart in this age. We just can't do without them, they are our number one addiction. I personally, I'm guilty of that, I just can't take it off my hands.
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I still remember when I wanted to get my first device then, that was Nokia 5310 Xpress Music. I had to contribute till I got the exact money for it which was ₦15000. It was like a dream come true when I finally got it on that faithful Saturday morning. It became my best friend, was always with me, I could not take my eyes off it. It was always a good moment when it's with me.

..lot of us are also guilty of this in this generation, we do every little things with our device. It's so much attached to our existence.
Even when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I pick up is my phone. I check my Whatsapp, it's a daily routine to be sincere, to check if I have any message(s).

The last time I was with my girlfriend, we had a disagreement, just because I didn't give her attention. I gave my phone much more attention and this made her angry and was like, Is My Phone More Important to Me than Her? I said No. But the bitter truth is , it's much more important in most cases. But to prevent her getting hurt, I just had to say No. We all know this deep down, but some things are left unsaid.

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At times, I will be so pressed and need to make use of the toilet. I might be charging my phone at that moment, next thing, I will just unplug it and take it with me to the toilet. It's always a reflex action, I just can't control. All just because I don't want to be away from my phone. Even when it's charging, I still won't leave it be:)
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My phone even made me indirectly disown my laptop πŸ˜€. I do everything on my phone. I play games, watch movies, etc. I even steem with it. I really can't imagine my life without it.

My phone is my number one addiction. It's the last thing I see at night and the first thing I wake up to.

If you're reading this right now. You're guilty too😁😁
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