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Smartcash your way to financial freedom.

Some say money is the root of all evil. Others believe a lot of money will bring happiness. Each of us can provide good and bad reasons as to earning money. The point though is that it is better to have it then not. If I have the money to spend I have the ability to choose how to spend it. Versus not having it I do not have a choice. That is financial freedom.

So how can one secure financial freedom if they have nothing? Start finding ways to earn some extra crypto or fiat and invest in passive incomes. The more passive income you have the more choices you have to deciding what to do with your life. There are many ways to save for one's future, and I believe in passive incomes being a good way. With passive income you get a consistent rate of return with mitigation of risk to loss of capital.

Here are some other reasons why passive income will allow one to reach freedom.

Stable Income

Dividends earned through passive income can come everyday, such as investing in steem, or weekly, or monthly, such as smartcash through smart rewards. With enough of an income one can basically live off of the dividends and not have to go to work on a daily basis. Therefore one can have more choices to decide on how they want to spend their time instead of having to go to work.

Free to Travel

Honestly the main reason why most people live where they are is due to their occupation. Their job is their bread and butter so living near work is a must. Yet if one has enough money earned through investments they can essentially not have to work which in turn not have to stay where they currently are at. The flexibility to travel wherever they want due to not being restrained from one location is a decision one has when they have financial freedom.

Imagining smartcash being adopted by merchants worldwide will be make it a currency to save and earn. Anyone from any where can buy and sell goods and services with smartcash. Smartcash would be a universal currency without borders will make it easy to use while traveling.

Extra Time

One has more time to chase their dreams and play with experiments when not having to devote most of their time to their jobs. Although some have their perfect jobs, most prefer to be something else other than what they are currently doing. Who knows what more time will bring in life, but one thing is for sure the choice to decide how to spend the time is is one's court when they have financial freedom.

Less Stress

Even with money it maybe difficult and time consuming to work out how to invest the money. However investing in passive incomes allows the investors to know they will continuously earn an income and not have to watch their capital all the time. Also less stress because one does not have to go to work and deal with solving other people's problems. Overall less stress will likely mean better health.

To hold more than 1,000 smartcash in an offical smartcash wallet allows investors to earn smart rewards that is paid out every 25th of each month. Get paid more crypto just by saving the crypto, that is a sweet deal.

I hope each of us can exceed our goals when it comes to earnings and savings. Let us all strive to reach financial freedom.

Thanks for reading.

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