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Using SmartCash Tipbots on Twitter, Reddit, Steemit and Discord

One of the fun uses of cryptocurrency is sending and receiving tips for your good deeds, jokes, or just as a way to send an appreciative gesture for a particularly good comment or article.

SmartCash has implemented tipbots to allow you to send, receive, and withdrawal SmartCash on these popular platforms. The most popular place for tipping is the #main_tipping channel on the SmartCash Discord Community Server.

Tipbot Quick Links:

Discord SmartCash Tipbot

Reddit SmartCash Tipbot

Steemit Smartcash Tipbot

Twitter Smartcash Tipbot and

What's particularly exciting is that Discord allows community managers to add the tipbot to their own server using this simple SmartCash Tipbot setup link! Spread the Smart around :)

How to use the tipbot commands

Using the Discord SmartCash Tipbot

Say you want to start using tips on Discord. Here is what you would need to do:

  1. Start a Direct Message conversation with @tipbot on the SmartCash Discord
  2. @tipbot address
  3. Copy that address displayed, go to your smart wallet, and send some smart to that address.
  4. To actually send a tip, you can use this command: @tipbot tip squadreward 100

That's it! If you ever want to withdraw, use the "@tipbot withdraw 100 address" command. Replace address with your SmartCash wallet address.

The tipbot is found at the SmartCash Discord Community Server where they are quite busy keeping the Smarts flying in the #main_tipping channel. You can also directly message them, they are @tipbot. One nice feature is the "squadrewards". These are for members of the Smartsquad who members of the community which help others. You can tip @squadrewards and when there is 5000 Smart accumulated it will rain on all the Smartsquad members as tips among them. Smartsquad members are added regularly and are expected to be active in the Smartcash community.

You can use the following commands:
* price - displays the latest price

  • squadrewards|rewards - displays the latest information about squadrewards* balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address|deposit - displays your deposit address
  • withdraw [amount] [address] - withdraws [amount] to [address]
  • tip [nick] [amount] - sends the [amount] of SMART to [nick]
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @tipbot

Example Command:

@tipbot tip squadrewards 10

SmartSquad is a team of active and helpful community members aka the Blue Team. If you appreciate their work, consider tipping @squadrewards.

Using Reddit's Smartcash Tipbot

The post announcing the tipbot is here and the guide to get started with the Reddit smartcash tipbot is at this page.

Smartcashtip is a new on-chain Smartcash tipping bot for Reddit, the most transparent cryptocurrency tipping bot on Reddit.

Quick start:

Simply click +register to send a message to sign up with /u/smartcashtip. If you received a tip and are not registered, the tip will be held in queue for 3 days until you register, at which time the tip will be sent to your address. If you do not register within 3 days of getting tipped, the tip will expire.

To start tipping, deposit smartcash to the address that the bot gives you after registration, and use the format +/u/smartcashtip AMOUNT smart to tip the parent commenter or post author in a reddit thread. If your amount is less than 1000 smart, the tip will go through without the bot posting a public verification comment. If it is more than 1000 smart, or you add verify to the end of your tip like +/u/smartcashtip AMOUNT smart verify, the bot will post a public verification comment, as long as it is not banned in the subreddit that you are tipping in. If it is banned from the subreddit, the tip will still go through, but the bot will be unable to comment publicly for verification. (Unless the subreddit has banned the keyword "+/u/smartcashtip" then your comment won't appear publicly and the bot won't see it either)

Quick links:










Using the Twitter SmartCash Smarttipbot

Twitter Smartipbot commands are the same, just directly message them from their profile page. There is no need to start it with @smartipbot when doing a direct message.

You can use it in a tweet like so:

  1. Start a direct message conversation on twitter with @smarttipbot
  2. Send them the message "address" to get the smartcash address for your twitter account.
  3. Send smart to that address using your desktop or web wallet.
  4. Then to send a tip to someone, just do this in a tweet or comment: @smartipbot tip @smartcashbranch 10

That would send 10 to the library branch twitter.

twitter tipbot commands

Commands for the SmartCash Steemit SmartBot:

At this point, I think you have it figured out. Use the address command to get the smartcash address for your steemit account. Then send smart to it so you can tip other people.

You can use the following commands:

  • balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address- displays your deposit address
  • withdraw - withdraws the amount of SMART to address
  • tip - sends the amount of SMART to username
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @smartbot

Just be sure to put @smartbot before any command you use, you can do it in any comment reply and they will respond to you quickly.

Have you found other fun uses for Tip bots or other bots in the community?




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