Short way of embroidering ONO

Hi all,

This time I will show you how to embroider ONO, ONO which is a social network that will benefit the new generation who joined on this platform.

I still do not understand, about what it is ONO, but I will continue smoothly any information, I'm also waiting for an invitation to join ONO, because I've signed up.

I can not wait to wait until July, I really hope to attend the big party, also witnessed the presence of new opportunities.

Original Photo By @zianzolla

I also sew EOS

Original Photo By @zianzolla

Original Photo By @zianzolla

Here are some ways of making it short

Original Photo By @zianzolla

I'm drawing a basic image, and I'm very worried about not being the same as the original, because I'm trying my best to be similar to the original

Original Photo By @zianzolla

Original Photo By @zianzolla

Hopefully ONO, triumphant in the future.

Thank you for visiting this platform, do not forget to always support me by way of expressing opinions, comments and resteem.good bye

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