Watchin the EEG and EKG go by. Sweeping by like our days. Lets stay young and roll slow.


Paycheck to paycheck, week by week. Take it a day at a time. I am now 36 years old, a month away from my 37th. Sucks. Although better to be older, then to be dead.

At work i have the usual 2 patients. Both with sleep problems and here to get tested. So i am that man, to do the test. To do the setup.


And setup i shall.

At this moment of course the 2 patients are already setup, and i am here watching, making sure things are running smoothly. In case someone has to get up and pee, ill be ready to go unhook them quickly.


(Older picture above im recycling, yup, sue me) Well hopefully not for hipaa violation, theres no personal data shown, just the data itself. The picture i took little while back. Screw it, lemme throw a fresh one up.


All i know is that time is not waiting for us. Whether we are here to enjoy sharing pictures, ideas, or financial incentive. We have to keep it going.

I would like to travel more, and see the world. To have a beer in all the cool places. To have a date with some beautiful ladies outside of the U.S, where im stuck at. Maybe its not so bad. Work is work, im doing my time. Just hoping to get more financially free sooner, than later.

And so im grinding within a grind. Doing my duty to post on our beloved Hive, but also grinding hours in the real world and trying to emjoy it all.

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