Ingoknin of the Willowdale's - Chapter 9 - Part 1 – Freedom always comes at a price

Nin was leaning against the bars, the moon was so bright, and the wolves signing to it was eerily beautiful.  She was itching to get moving but Bagrak hadn't given the signal yet.  

It was getting harder and harder to keep track of the days, shivering she tried to focus on the matter at hand. 

Neesha tapped her, “Hey Nin, it’s time.” 

One cage at a time they slipped out.   Idonis and Viania split up into two groups, while Bagrak, Nin, and Neesha sneak along the rocks behind the tents; they were going after the captures.  Picking up the weapons Lette had hidden for them they waited.

Jyta met up with Viania’s group, she handed out some daggers so the woman wouldn't be defenseless.  Lette was “keeping” watch so to speak until all hell broke out.

Crouching down behind the wagons, one woman at a time would cross the back of the camp toward the edge, and would slip into the forest surrounding them.  They would then be paired and as quietly as possible run north.  They would all run for about a half mile and rest at a clearing Jyta told them of, it was a large clearing with huge boulders they could easily hide behind. 

Viania went first, she was to stop a quarter mile in and Jyta would be second she would go onto the final meeting stop.  Each woman waited a short interval before slipping off into the woods.

The second group prepared to move; Idonis was to be the last she would ensure the other women got out and would join Bagrak and help eliminate the kidnappers.

Bagrak didn't’t want to move until she knew the other ladies had made it off the camp site.  The strategy was to eliminate the three bandits who were sleeping / passed out.  This way they could concentrate on the other four. 

Once the last woman safely made it off the site Idonis made her way toward the tent where two of the bandits were sleeping.  Lette kept watch by the cages so to keep the other two night watchmen away.  Bagrak meets up with Idonis they crawl into the tent and synchronizing their efforts the quickly slit the two bandit’s throat.  They never even knew it was happening.  Checking around the side Bagrak signals to Neesha who crawls into Gan’s tent, he was so intoxicated the tent reeked of mead.  She presses her hand over his mouth and quickly slits his throat. 

Now only four remained, this would not be easy at least three were formidable foes.

They still had the element of surprise… 

Neesha slides into position to attack the camp leader Nistec…  Bagrak and Idonis start toward the tent with Sorar and Helvia…  Nin positions herself by the side Fenrar is on.  Lette is ready to charge

Taking a deep breath Bagrak nods to Idonis, it was all or nothing now… 

Nistec notices Bagrak…  What the…  Shouting at the top of his lungs, “FENRAR, SORAR they escaped”!!!

With that Nin charges forward, taking Fenrar by surprise.  She knocks him down.  He quickly rights himself; kicking her he grabs his sword.  “Com’on it’s going to be real fun craving you up.”  Nin doesn’t reply her training has prepared her for this…  With her reflects on autopilot she blocks his next two strikes.   Spinning to the right she lunges forward, their swords clash.    Strike for strike she matches him, he comes at her with a powerful blow, which she blocks and using it to her advantage she pushes him backwards.  Stumbling some Fenrar starts to back away realizing he does not have the upper hand in this battle…  Nin realizes he is backing up, she readies herself to distribute the final blow; and he runs!  For a second she can’t believe he is such a coward!  He ran!  Who runs from a battle only a coward! 

Looking around the camp she notices Helvia is using her Magika and Idonis is losing ground.  Letting Fenrar escape, she looks around for a bow, she scrambles to the tents, ahhhh, NICE an Imperial Bow and some iron arrows!!!  Resting the arrow on the bow string, she aims…  Nothing matters now then hitting her target!  Letting the arrow fly it hit Helvia right in the neck!  She falls to her knees and face first into the dirt. 

With her war cry Nin let’s off a barge of arrow at Nistec, some hit his armor as he wields his war-axes at Neesha…  Taking advantage of the situation Lette plunges her dagger into his back, but he isn't’t giving up that easy…  Swinging to his left he catches Lette in the thigh, both continue fighting and Nin runs at him full-bore sword drawn it plunges into his side complete though his body…  Nistec stumbles forward a step, then another…  A halting jerky movement…  Blood oozing out his mouth, his back, and now the killing blow right through his body….  He sub-comes to his injury…

Nin runs to Bagrak who has been in a battle with Sonrar…  He is using an enchanted war hammer and is draining her stamina but Bagrak has never backed down from a battle…  Sonrar an accomplished warrior hears Nin and with a swift blow knocks her down.  “You bested me once bitch, you will not a second time!”  But, Neesha picking up one of Nistec’s axes attacks him and with Bagrak coming from the right, he is running out of options.  Catching her breath Nin gets up, readies her arrow and fires at Sonrar hitting his forearm, another arrow hits his right shoulder, wildly swing the war hammer he charges Nin…  Without flinching, without hesitation she fires the arrow it hits him in the chest, Bagrak comes up behind him and plunges the sword into his back, she pulls it out blood gushes from the wound… 

Gasping he says “Do it already”…  “No, I will not let you off so easy, for all the women you have tortured; your death will not come swiftly.”  Bagrak, motions to Neesha and Nin.  “Move him into the cage; I think that one over there had the keys.”  Nin grabs the keys.  They move him into the cage.  “Now, the choice is yours you can choose to lay here and die, or try to survive.”  Bagrak drops the key inches from his grasp.  “Maybe your weak, pathetic pal will come rescue you or the two pieces of scum who stayed in town?  Maybe not.  But, if you do make it, I better never get wind of an operation like this or the next time you will die!”  Sonrar can’t even move he is losing so much blood.  His anger and fear is palpable. 

As they lock him in the cage he thinks…  That little piece of shit better come back…   He loses consciousness.

Bagrak feels nothing…  “Com’on ladies let’s get out of here.”  Going over to Lette they bandage her up for the trek to the meeting point.  

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