Profile Super-Tip for Skillshare - Build an *ANIMATED* Image Into Your Bio! (12m)

building on the find that neil sheering found and put into a course for putting an image in your profile i thought i would investigate further and see if even more could be done to raise awareness when people are looking at your bio. i found something neat and put together a proof of concept to see if it would work, if you go to my bio you will now see something like this! :)

pretty neat huh? :) -- (i'm not a designer so i expect yours to be awesome!) -- grab this rapid quick skillshare course! --

thing you will learn in this course

  • how to make your own animated banner
  • using keynote to export to movie and then to gif
  • file size considerations when making
  • putting your gif into the cloud to load super fast!
  • potential issues with sizing - best sizing we found
  • do the project, custom ones available!

grab it, it's quick! -

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