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Spectrum Economics Challenge 3 – Results

Hi Everyone,

It’s time to announce the results of Challenge 3. I generated the prices a few days ago and now I have calculated the profit made by each participant.

Quick recap of the challenge

For Challenge 3, participants were required to play a trading game that I invented. This game required participants to buy commodities from any of five hypothetical towns and then sell these commodities a week later at another town or city in attempt to make a profit. The participants were also required to explain how they made their selections and present the logic supporting those decisions.

Here is a link to the original Challenge 3 post.

Here is the link to the price calculation video.

Quick recap of the prizes

So here is a just a quick recap of the prizes up for grabs for this challenge.

  • Top post based on returns from the challenge wins 10 SBD
  • Second post based on returns from the challenge wins 5 SBD
  • Spectrum Economics favourite post or highest alternative scoring (I will explain what this means for each individual challenge) wins 10 SBD. For challenge 3, the post that provides the best explanation of choices made will win the prize money.

Returns made by each participant

I would like to thank all seven participants for entering and taking the time to write posts and make the necessary analysis to determine the best commodities to buy. The participants are as followers.

The following table contains the profits and ROI made by each participant


As we have a four way tie for first place, I am splitting first and second place prizes between the four winners. I am adding an extra 1 SBD so that each winner can come away with 4 SBD each. Well done for making a great decision to buy copper in Meteor City and to then sell in Grudge Town.

The Spectrum Economics favourite posts goes to @doughtaker. @doughtaker produced an excellent post. Almost every aspect of the decision-making process was explained in detail. I particularly liked how @doughtaker immediately reduced the possible options by only considering the lowest price for each commodity; this certainly saves a lot of work from the beginning. The possible range of ROIs was also a very nice finishing touch to the post. This gave the readers a clear idea of the possible outcomes and also provided confidence that the recommended decision provided a guaranteed positive return.

In addition to the 4 SBD from sharing first place, you (@doughtaker) also win another 10 SBD as the Spectrum Economics favourite post.

Other Challenges

Challenge 4 has just finished and voting will begin in a day or two. The link to the Challenge is available below. Challenge 5 is also about to commence, so keep your eyes open for that post as well.

Challenge 4 – Investment Game