Steemit Singles!

Seeing all of the mass upvoting of anything posted by females got me thinking about starting a Singles tag here.

Joe Rogan has a great bit about all of the stupid people outbreeding the nerds and claiming the pyramids and he's so spot on with it regarding today's culture.

Anyway, it's pretty clear that us early adopter, inventor types are like space aliens on regular dating sites.

So with that in mind, here's the first Steemit Singles post!

apocaloptimisto, M, 38, AZ, USA

Have you ever thought about how using money and claiming property creates a world full of tyranny and suffering for all but a very few at the top?

Have you ever felt like selling your time for money is a form of slavery?

Have you ever looked at what's in makeup and the types of people you empower by buying into it?

Have you ever thought that the western culture of only dating inside one's age range is stupid because both people are inexperienced?

Have you ever read Sex at Dawn, Ishmael, or The Moneyless Manifesto?

Can you sing?

Can you play drums?

Have you ever considered living freely, nomadically, offgrid, as a part of Nature, with a handsome, polymath, bushcrafting, green tech building, supernerd?

If you answered YES to all of the above and you're a young, healthy, petite, brunette, get in touch!

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