Relationships are pointless, women have nothing to offer men anymore

"I do not want a woman even if she is Miss World." This is what i tell people when they question me for being single, why is it i must meet a "nice girl and be happy" ? I am very happy being single and do not intend to get into a relationship anytime soon. I see my friends who are married or living with partners and i really feel sorry for them, they are broken men. They tell me stay single and that they are only with their partners because of the children. How many women would stay just because of the children? It saddens me that women use kids to break men and control them, a father has no rights whatsoever, every other group in society has more rights than a father.
Right now i live on my own and i do my own cooking, shopping, cleaning, banking and ironing , so if i got married what would a modern day career woman do for me? I am not saying i want a slave, but i expect a wife to look after me or why else would i get married. If i want to sleep with a woman i can do that quite easy, just go to the local pickup joint thats full of liberated western women and have a one night thing. So why do men live with women, what are they getting out of the deal. I would get married to a rich woman because it would benefit me, but otherwise i think its all a con.

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