Finally Starting My Stack!

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Howdy, y'all!

As a few of you know, I've been lurking around the posts of various members of Silver Gold Stackers for...quite a while now. I enjoy looking at all your shinies, and I slowly developed the urge to join in the fun.

I don't actually have a lot of genuine silver or gold coins of my own. At least...I don't think I do. Though recent posts by @trumpman have made me think there might be some hiding in plain sight...I'll have to find time to comb through the coins I've brought home from my travels over the years and see!

But before I go treasure hunting in my junk drawer, I wanted to show off my first move toward making a proper stack!

The photo above is of my very first purchase of silver for the express purpose of stacking. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's my first purchase of silver ever, aside from a few rings some decades ago. 😄

I've always been a smalltime prepper at heart. I'll never have the fallout shelter and 10 million rounds of ammunition, but I'd like to think that I'll be better prepared than the average schmuck should the shit ever truly hit the fan. But holding real, irrefutable precious metals was one place I've been slacking...until now.

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These beauties were purchased, as you may have guessed by the printing on the coin holders, from Monument Metals. I have @coinjoe and @silverd510 to thank for making me aware of MM (via a couple of posts in @thealliance Discord), and for tipping me off to their offer of 5 troy ounces of silver at spot prices (the deal can still be found here, if you're interested; it's limited to one per household, though).

As much as I've loved reading and learning about all the different types and styles of shiny goodies, I also have a serious tightwad streak in me. Paying 2x to 3x spot price for something just because it's pretty has always run contrary to my objective of holding metals for their practical value. So that offer was exactly what I needed to push me over the edge into stacking!


I'll tell ya though, feeling the weight of this stuff in my hand is...slightly addictive. I can already tell these won't be the last things I buy. The budget is too tight at the moment to go whole hog, but I really like the heft and size of these babies. And from what I've seen, Monument is constantly running sales for just a buck or two over spot, so I know there will be plenty of opportunities to grow my stack, even if I never plunge headfirst into the artistic side of silver stacking.

That said, I probably will at some point. I'm just too much of a sucker for pretty things. 😆

What I'm Reading
What I'm Working On
The Sandman, Act II (an Audible original)
The plan/itinerary for my next vacation, which will be a bucket list trip to Philadelphia to see the Mutter Museum, among other things.
What I'm Pondering
What My Friends Are Working On
How to build my digital goods business in such a way that I don't end up hating myself - or it! 😆
It looks like she doesn't have them up in her Etsy shop yet, but the gal who runs the co-working group I participate in recently got in tote bags made with this theme. I love them!

Have a great day, y'all!
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All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Proud Member of Hive's Best Family!


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