A Question For The Ages

Hi Friends,

You like it on top, or on the bottom?


Now before your filthy minds descend any lower, into the abyss of smut and pornography, bear in mind I am talking about cheeseburgers 🍔

I’ve had a couple dandies lately and wanted to share…

One of my faves is from The Regal Beagle situated on West Broadway, right in Kits in good ol’ Vancouver. This delectable smashburger features the works and deffo likes it on top.


And now, for a power bottom rebuttal, St. Augustine’s on Commercial Drive, right around the corner, features a chargrilled freak-show-good boomer burger — or maybe that’s Gen-X burger! — That tantalizes and satisfies:


FYI, these burgers (with fries) are coming in at about $22 Cad (b4 tax and tip), so basically, it’s $30 Cad for a burger and fries, and a glass of water… with a beer it’ll set ya back just shy of $40 😳😳😳 all I can say is: Thanks Justin!

Now despite aggressive political propagandizing… which burger do you think looks more appealing?

And for all you Silver hounds out there: Sorry! I got nothing… I have not bought any new Ag, and in fact, am thinking about selling ALL of my 1oz Chinese Pandas, so if any of youz out there wants a looky-loo before they get squandered please make a note of it. I’m not sure if I will be able to wait very long after I round them all up.

Cheers my friends! I hope everything is peaches, cream, and MS-65 Morgans out there for y’all.

And a special Halloo, or perhaps a Hell-Yes! To all mi amigos who are making the pilgrimage to Las Vegas for SGS #3 Annual migration. I’m freakin’ and peak in’!

Cheers! from @thedamus

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