Guess what is coming in the mail.

Bum bum it's silver. I was hoping to buy something bigger but I will in the future thanks to all your support. I'm slowly growing on hive and recently hit 700 hp in a month which is something I've never done before. I would like to thank the #mancave community and @brodude. As well as the silvergoldstackers community. They have been really supportive. Now what you've all been waiting for

Look at that masterpiece right there. I purchased it happily from @raybrockman. I got number 6 which is a 1.3 ounce piece. I did use up all my hive for it though. But I will earn it back in the future and maybe power up some of it. I really want to buy a bigger bar but I saw this and wanted it badly. Also do you know anyone who is a big fortnite fan? If so i'm getting a support a creator code soon. If they like using creator codes than tell them a new code is on the way. Now that I hit 1k subscribers I hope to grow my community on both reddit and YouTube. So if you want to help out my new video is here:

I hope you all enjoy the silver piece I'm getting. I think it was worth it. What do you guys think. Also I'm giving beer tokens to a lot of commenters. What is your favorite silver bar or piece?

Collection: I currently have several steem silver rounds which were given to me by @brian.rrr this new bar will be my first thing ever gotten with hive.

I hope you are all having a good day and i can't wait to show it to you all. Thanks again Ray for the chance at getting this cool piece.

Yours truly, teenagecrypto

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