It's Wednesday, that can only mean one thing - #boringpostwednesday


Welcome one and all to what used to be a weekly update of the @ssg-community account, that supports the #silvergoldstackers community.... But since the arrival of 1/4pint (my daughter) as well as having 1/2pint (my son) to deal with, these updates tend to only come around monthly or when there is some important information I need to get out to you all.

Well, as it happens, I have some very important information regarding a recent community upvote, brought about with proposals made by @buggedout. Read his proposal post HERE

After what was a nail-biting 3days (72hours) of voting the community have spoken. That post can be found HERE. The votes were counted at 72 hours as stated in the original post:

There will be 2 comments below this post which will be a simple “YES – I support this Proposal For Change” and “NO – I reject this Proposal For Change” and we ask you, the members of the #silvergoldstackers community to place a nominal vote on one of these comments to indicate your preference. Voting will be open for 72 hours (3 days) from the posting of this Proposal For Change. COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, BUT IT'S THE UPVOTES THAT COUNT AS VOTES.


Using the #hive blockchian timestamp, for clarity, the votes were tallied and by the narrowest of margins, the community voted in favour 17 - 15 to implement the proposed changes.

There will be a post released tomorrow, that will explain in much more detail of how these changes will be implemented and what the members of the community can now expect from the @ssg-community account. For community members that do NOT use the service, then nothing will change for you. Just to also reiterate, these changes will only effect HIVE.


Now that the important stuff is out there, I'll go over quickly the running of the @ssg-community account and how it's been holding up these past few weeks. So go grab that coffee, you'll need it, and if you're sitting comfortably, ill begin....


Helping the #silvergoldstackers community to grow with a very respectable 208k HIVEPOWER, the @ssg-community account has been running surprisingly smooth these past few weeks. Members have been posting regularly and VOTING POWER has been fluctuating within the expected ranges. The steady flow of curation rewards has allowed the account to continue to grow, and the wallet is looking very healthy.


Per community guidelines, I have had to begin a power down of the accounts HIVE POWER holdings. With 6000+ HIVEPOWER I've started a maximum power down to bring it back in line with the 5k maximum the account should be holding. All liquid hive will then be used to increase leased HIVEPOWER to offer the quality content created by our members a bigger and better upvote.

OK, actually, that was a much quicker post than I anticipated. I hope it all makes sense and then everyone is happy with how the account is being run?

I am @welshstacker and now the fun begins......

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