A gift from my friend @silversaver888

Afternoon everyone…..

I had stated in my post on Saturday that I came home to a package waiting for me on Friday night. I also said in that post that I’d would be posting it shortly.

Well today is that day…..

This package was from my long time friend @silversaver888. We have had interaction prior to the Steemit days via our common friends of the silver community back in the day on YouTube when it was a very thriving community.

Some of you might remember that we had several of them join the platform as well. Unfortunately that was short lived and they went their merry way. Nearly all of them have left YouTube behind as well, and from what I’ve heard they all use Instagram now. Which I’m not very familiar with. There are two of our fellow community members that are still here from that once thriving silver YouTube community. They are @kerrislravenhill and @silversaver888.

This gift was from @silversaver888. We have sent gifts back and forth for years now. But honestly I was not expecting this gift.

It’s the second release of the Pit Bullion Hive silver pour.

It is quite a unique piece, and is extremely shiny. Making it hard to get a good picture.

Thank you very much @silversaver888. It is a much appreciated gift, and very thoughtful of you to remember my birthday as well. You are a very special person.

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