I Want To Do More On Hive

I Want To Do More On Hive

The Hive community has grown somewhat since I started here 5 years ago.

Even back then there were people slowly seeing the power of Steem, Bitcoin and eventually Hive to improve the lives of people in poorer, under developed countries.

Or at least countries where the population numbers and culture made for income inequality and widespread poverty mean people didn't have basic access to water without the need for wells or famine can devistate the local economy.

Community Involvement

It’s a known fact that when humans have a single point of focus and can coordinate and cooperate together we can achieve huge projects in a short amount of time, both good and bad.

One of the benefits of Hive, while we each have our own different world view, first languages, values, cultures, etc. Hive is a common grounding. Instant global transfers of funds without interference or immediate taxation. Money, in the form of Hive, goes (hopefully) to where it’s needed directly.

I love that I can meet and interact with people instantly across the globe. @ecency waves is a great feature formgetting the word around as to what needs to be done.

Charitable Works

I have seen food banks in Asia distribute packets of noodles to the poor and hungry and I heard that 66 water producing wells have been drilled in countries within Africa.

This is amazing stuff.

My issue is that I often forget the names and accounts of these projects, so if you know what they are and if they are still operating, please list them in the comments below.

The other factor is that some people might feel that they have to donate Hive itself to these projects. You can of course do that, but a safer method is to delegate some Hive to those accounts so that they can generate their own Hive when engaging with the wider community here. It’s a slower process, but it helps hose charities develop a sense of self sufficiency or even independence.

Retail Sales

Another exciting thing to see is the growing number of stores and shops accepting Hive or even HBD as a payment option. Once again, please list the shops and services that you know that accept these forms of payment in the comments down below.

I’d like to buy Hive related merch (T-shirts, keyrings, etc.) and use Hive / HBD to pay for it if possible.
I know there are people making these things but where is the promotion for them?

For me, it’s all about the functionality of the currency rather than the numerical value, which in turn increases the numerical value.

A lot of projects on Hive are vaporware with plenty of “future faking” going on that usually amounts to nothing, dead coins and a loss of goodwill and trust. Don’t get me wrong, I want these projects to succeed, but there seems to be too much focus on promotion amd revenue raising.

This is why real, genuine, tangible, on the ground, physical result based projects are always going to get my main support.

Do you have legit goods and services that you are willing to accept Hive / HBD for?
Drop the link or username in the comments because I want to support you.

Thanks for reading.


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original material.

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