Hypocrisy On Hive

Hypocrisy On Hive

Drama is something I really try to avoid. You wouldn't know it from everything I've been through, but it's true. It does find a way of creeping it's way into my life sometimes, but I am learning to shield myself from it.

More often than not I keep my mouth shut on most issues, conditioned by upbringing and my former religious and spiritual beliefs to "keep the peace" or to "let it slide".

I can't let fear of retribution get in the way of telling the truth anymore.

I've known for some time now that there are undesirables on the Hive block-chain, many coming over from the Steem block-chain.

I don't need to name names, I sure a few came to your mind as you read that but this isn't about who they are but rather, the behaviour itself.

A few months ago, I read a post by one of these people and my jaw dropped at their blatant hypocrisy!

These people will say that they don't mind being downvoted, but when they are downvoted, they go on a tirade about it afterwards.

No one likes being downvoted, and thankfully for me the only people downvoting my posts or comments are downvote bots or people who don't have any Hive Power.

The hypocrisy is that these people go on downvoting sprees as a self-appointed sheriff of the block-chain.

The justification for this is to paint the people they don't like as 'bad actors', 'idiots' or even 'fucktards' while engaging in the exact same behaviours themselves. Hypocrisy!.

They only cared about "protecting the block-chain" because they want the entire reward pool for themselves.

The post in question accused others of plagiarising text and photos, self-voting, using bidbots, forming circle-jerks and spam posting simple, single-image low quality posts.

They recycle their text often, are part of a massive upvote circle-jerk, use a single low effort image, use bidbots, spam posts and hope that no one notices.

I noticed.

It's bullshit.

The Antidote

While this might be a bitter pill to swallow, this is not an attack on anyone or any particular group, it's just to say that I am aware of the behaviour, the deflection, the gaslighting and that I refuse to support it.

The antidote to all of this, for me at least, is to be aware of it, not engage or respond to it and just continue to create the best original content that I can.

This is a departure from what I normally post, so I'll return to what I am good at.

Be mindful of what your upvotes support and have fun.

Thank you for reading.


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