Made it to the Long Weekend! Here we go!!

Truth be told, I just found out about the long weekend a couple days ago on Thursday. Been too busy with work to grasp other concepts such as eventually there was going to be a long weekend in the fold!

The hive price is still suffering hard, but silver is up above $30 American on yesterday's closing of the markets.


Photo of some mint Canadian Silver Maple Leafs and tarnished American Eagles!

Certainly wouldn't mind selling some 10 oz bars, And flipping them into Hive today if I had an easy way. Maybe if silver continues to climb I'll get more motivated!

Also, on a positive note, we have the 6" x 6" solid Aluminum bar on the saw a couple days ago. This Bar doesn't come out to play too often.


Easier for me to sell aluminum bars then some silver bars.


I'm supposed to be enjoying the long weekend, but I'm already thinking about going over to the tool store. It's time for a new oxy. Acetylene torch.

I've got a 3/4-in steel plate to cut and I don't want to use my circular saw this time.


Hoping to actually play with some medals myself again one day.

Thanks for stopping in and enjoying the Metals!

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