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READ: Mark 16:13-19
Key Scripture: These signs shall accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages… (Mark 16:17).

If you have Jesus as the foundation of your life, you have no reason to be afraid of any force of opposition because you have all that matters. Because all authority belongs to Jesus, we are able to do exploits in his name. This is because you are part of the body of Christ. Then, since we are part of that body, it means that we carry his mark on our body and when the powers of evil see that, they tremble. At baptism, the priest signs our foreheads and declares, "I claim you for Christ with the sign of the Cross..." That is a sign of the mark of the blood that was smeared at the door posts of the Israelites at the first Passover in Egypt. With that mark on us, evil shall see us and pass over. That is why Jesus declared that great signs shall accompany those who believe in him. Do you know that you have that so much power in you? Do you know that you are untouchable and unstoppable? Trust God and move on, your name shall only be used for testimonies. Amen. It is well with you.