Jenny, I'm waiting for you back


My name is ricardo, usually my friends call me ardo, I am a student who is still innocent, do not understand love, courtship and always just mis behaved when dealing with women because I have a shy nature.

One day I saw a very beautiful girl walking in front of the school fence, she walked with a very naively while holding the books and charms that look when her hair unraveled because of wind blowing. I was stunned to see her beauty that seemed to make eyes I do not want to blink one bit.then I look for the figure of the girl I saw earlier by wondering to my friends.

It turns out that one of my friends named eric knows who the girl I saw at the gate and yes told me that the girl named jenny. I am also happy because jenny one class with eric and also next door neighbor from my class. I also continue to ask for help to eric to introduce me with jenny, but I do not dare directly, but by using a mobile phone.

After I get my mobile number I always contact jenny my result is always always fail and he just regard me as a bully or maybe as a garbage for him. though I am not discouraged to fight to be close and befriend him.I always do business but finally until my despair came, then I tried to forget it but somehow it's always unusual even though many of my friends are entertaining. they are my best friend who always hilarious wlaupun we are a bit naughty but many lecturers who love to us all.

One day before the holidays arrived my college held a sorry apology, when eric came up to me and said "ardo jenny told you to come to him, because he wanted to apologize". I did not believe because I thought that eric was just kidding and I ignored it. Immediately eric away, I was shocked by the presence of jenny in front of me, then I just stunned and misbehaved.


At that jenny immediately apologized to me, but I am amazed he apologize while kissing my hand. there I can only wonder and think what actually happened, I'm confused because it was my first time. it turns out that the incident started my closeness with a girl who prioritizes education like jenny.

Campus I really like the practice course where when the practice of my work result is very good and always praised by my lecturer, it happened eric and jenny 1 group and their group got difficulties in making lamp from beer bottle. eric also asked for help to me to make the light of his group, although shy and shy to jenny, I also tried to help him.

Then eric picked me up and we went home jenny to do the practice of the lamp, where when I do their group work, jenny said to me "ardo headed ardo there dirt", when I want to clean my head and jenny said again "here I bring ", ThereI can only be silent and awkward, but in my heart I feel very happy.

After many months, I also have many friends from his class jenny and we also have a sense of love and affection in itself, eric and other friends always tell me to express my feelings with jenny, but I always refuse because I not darein terms of expressions-revealing much less in the matter of love.That's why I'm so disappointed to hear the news that jenny already has a boyfriend named james, jenny does not love james, but he accepts james just to appreciate his friend because he always closes james with jenny. eric always tells jenny to end his relationship with james, but jenny always replied "i can not hurt anyone". gradually finally ending jenny relationship also with james.

I was so happy even though I still did not dare to express my feelings with jenny, my friends always force me to express my feelings with jenny and that's when I also ventured. when I express my feelings, I really am verypale and jenny said "never to be forced, sick boys anyway", after three times in a row we finally invented.

Although we have been dating but we do not often meet, there are met, it was always helped my friend. at the time jenny asked me a picture together with me, I always say yes, yes, and yes but never happen because I'm afraid, after often jenny ask finally I ventured too.

I also continue to take the liberty to take Jenny to go to the roof, where on the roof of my campus atmosphere like a titanic ship, although we do not hug like jack and rose but I feel like two on board titanic.

Many of the things we all experienced together though never once romantic, indeed I am very jealous of weight, because we had time to end when I saw he was walking with his boyfriend.

For the third time we never end I started to feel lazy dating and like not care about jenny again, that's when we ended up total and I make a very great sadness to jenny, sadness even more when he heard that finally our love caused by a third party who is just gossip, let alone for an affair, approaching my own girlfriend too dare not. but strangely then I did not feel that jenny had a great love for me.
Lately when graduation lecture, I always regret my actions and I try again to approach jenny, indeed we got close again. after graduating college I intend to seek college degree postgraduate which one campus with him, but destiny to say another because then we are destined not with one same campus.

At that moment it was all changed and not as I imagined it to be. At first he was angry with me for no reason, that's when I started dropping tears because I felt I had lost my true love. He started hating me, Maybe he did not want to know me anymore and want to bury all about me.

When I always try to approach him he always said do not "do not disturb me" and when I explained the truth, he said "do not add lies, because the past has taught everyone who you are", he does not like to know me but why is this heart always said thathe still has affection for me, only he wants to try to forget me and he does not want me to remind him about me or maybe he wants to open a new page.

But until whenever this heart will always wait for him to come back and give me time to believe and we can fix it all again, because in regret the embedded a very strong desire and will not repeat the mistake for a second time. if only he knew this heart he would cry because he saw the sadness that I experienced for many years.

He did not know that I missed him so much, and never once betrayed him. it is sad that it never ends until I reunited with my long lost love, maybe after I die I can eliminate his laughter, his smile and all about him from my mind, I want him to know that I will always hope when I open my eyes only present himself and he came back with me, because in every heartbeat I always call your name and wherever I massage always present your shadow. the tone will always carve my story, just for you and hopefully you are not my dream.


"Sorry i miss"
I miss you, I miss you
I miss hugging you ,, I miss my past
It's my fault for us to part
My regrets are always haunting me
I'm sorry to say to you
I love you
give me that love first
I beg you to come back.

Thank's for readiang my writing

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