A Tired Monday


A bright morning, hopefully a Monday that is identical to a boring day even said to be "The Lazy Day" does not affect me for not the spirit. Lucky today I did not wake up late, so I can relax a little and not in a hurry to prepare myself to go to the office.today is pretty solid because in the morning I have to have a meeting with all the staff, followed by checking the equipment in the production room maybe something to be repaired, or must be replaced, because I have to work harder than others, for the sake of the company's progress. "I have to work harder"

"Morning my son ..." the father who was at the dinner table.hearing Dega's father's dignified and soft voice for the size of a man's voice adds to the mood this morning. Dhini's mother chose only a smile. "Morning father, mother ..." I replied as I took my seat as usual, opened the plate and picked up the whole wheat bread that was on the table. My stomach was a bit full of last night's effects.just adding a little salad, smoked bacon and mayonese, enough to prop my stomach until later noon. "Eat a lot dear .." Suggestions mother who glanced at me for just picking up a bread bread, not rice as usual. "Still a bit full of the rest of the mother's night .." I replied. After eating I sipped smoothies and prepared to leave. Take their leave and go to the garage.as usual Monday is always adorned with more severe jams than usual days and make mood easy to down. Crowded city streets crawled full of vehicles, everyone scrambling to precede each other, the sound of ear-spotted horns had become commonplace, the sound of the car's engine also increased the noise. In a situation like this, I can only be pensive, angry? useless.inevitably have to enjoy, although it feels really a waste of time. I do not know what will happen to this city in the next 5-10 years, when the population increases, the vehicle must be increased, the automatic need for shelter increases, the land gets narrower. Air and water can certainly go thin.few people think about it, some do not care and are apathetic. Ahh already why everywhere ya mind? Suddenly I remembered Arie's father, wanting to meet him, because I feel the conversation on the phone is less effective. But if I schedule to meet him today it seems like I did not have time, because the schedule is already solid.maybe tomorrow I have to ask its development, it feels awkward if there is no news at all. Nearly 1 hour finally arrived at the office. I immediately headed for the elevator from the car park to the 5th floor. "Vira 30 minutes we meet again yaa .. Please you convey to the other staff .." I said after arriving on the 5th floor and rushed to his room Vira berselfie ria."Vira-vira still morning" My mind shook my head.\n\n"What the hell is this? There's nothing ... nothing!" I say by myself, the smiles themselves continue to put the chocolate on the table again.

I reached for my cell phone and called Sasha. The boys are getting weird these days.

"Yes El, why? Like chocolate?" Sasha asked cengengesan. "Tacky!" My snort. Sasha laughed."This is your unique El, everywhere chocolate girl if told tuh say so sweet, or thank you or what post on status, social media, you are given chocolate thank you baseball instead words .." Sasha replied at length, it was thought I same with other women? "Yes I am busy .. other times do not tacky ya Sasha ..bye .. "I replied without waiting for a reply from Sasha, I immediately ended the conversation.I chose to turn on my laptop to prepare meeting materials soon.Fifteen minutes later I rushed to the meeting room, all the staff was already in their respective seats. behind me with a serious face.Any Secentil him, I know he's responsible enough in the job.


"Morning all." I smiled.
The entire staff stand up and say "Morning" almost simultaneously.

"Can begin now?" I said, look around. The entire staff nodded. Wherever possible I created the atmosphere of the meeting was not tense, although I'm also not good at speaking, so far I still continue to learn.but anyway I'm still a little awkward. Some of the average staff were above me, almost me and the younger Vira, to the core staff.

"It's been a long time we do not meet yaa .." I said smiling, trying my best so as not to look nervous. They just respond with a smile and look at each other."Okay .. Good morning all, thank you for taking the time here ... Honestly when Mr. Dega gives all the responsibility of the company to me the first thing I feel is the fear.This responsibility is not kidding me personally. afraid, if I can lead this company well as father Dega.how to advance it? A lot of things go round my mind. But many times Dega's father assured me that I was capable, and I finally finally ventured. I am sure gentlemen and ladies or siblings have all been working here for longer than me .. "I sighed, paused for a moment.

"There are many things that gentlemen, ladies and brother all passed.you all probably already understand what this company is like. That's what turned out to be one of the reasons I had a meeting this morning. Personally I understand, I can not work alone, I need father, mother and relatives all to help provide suggestions, opinions or ideas, even critics for the progress of the company.As Dega said, we are here not only colleagues but family, let's together promote this company, because actually Degans Advertising is actually ours all .. "I paused for a moment and turned on my laptop."A few days ago I checked the billboards posted on the sidewalks, I talked to Vira to sort them out again, because I think they are not productive, but for a billboard we pay a lot.

For that I started thinking of allocating it to other costs, that's the first.second, I think to give a bonus to every customer or client who faithfully use our services, so far we only give gifts in big days, but I think will give bonus like discount or commission for that person bringing new customer.the third way our work is more accelerated, but not perfunctory and remain meticulous, for example if our customers or clients give us a 1 month time to be completed, as much as possible before 1 month is over. It may seem strange, but anyway for the sake of maintaining the quality of the company, I do not think burdensome. Because I will still give extra overtime.later I will also check the tools in the production room. Mr. Ari can accompany me .. "Ujarku, while looking at Mr. Ari, greeted with a nod of the head.
"That's it from me, please from all of you each expressed his opinion .." said me finish my words. Now it's time I heard their advice, everyone should not just stay.I have to hear all their complaints, opinions, criticisms, and suggestions. Vira deftly typed it all in for a report. A very extraordinary meeting, unexpectedly all very enthusiastically expressed his opinion. Very effective! 3 more hours passed and all had voiced his mind and heart.After a meeting with staff, I rushed to the production room, escorted by Mr. Ari, head of the production department at Degans Advertising which is approximately 5 years more working here.

"Have you had any complaints?" I asked on the way.

"So far not sir .." Answer Mr. Ari. "I hope you can give me the inventory data of the production room? I have to know the lifetime .." I forgot to ask for it from the beginning, it should be to check every equipment used, I have to match it with the data so I can decide which equipment need to be replaced which is not."Well gentlemen ... a moment .." Mr. Ari returned to his room to retrieve the data I requested, all employees in the production room greeted me bowed my head, honestly I feel awkward.

"sir usually how many times to repair the machine?" I asked one of the technicians who was checking one of the paper cutting machines.

"Every father's weekend .."

"Routine?" I asked.

"Yes sir.." he replied."Can ask for help to check all the machines, continue to report to the father of Ari which is still good and not .." My advice.

"Well sir. " The young man replied nodding.

A few moments later Mr. Ari came and brought the report I asked.

"This is sir ..." Mr. Ari handed me a long blue Map. I immediately opened it."this is the of Ari, I have already conveyed to one of the technicians to check all the machines available to report to you .." I said as he kept walking.

"yes sir what facilities are lacking for them?" I asked.

"If the facility I think is enough father there is kitchen, prayer room, and also the appropriate bathroom standart .." Answer Mr. Ari.The noise of the noisy machine makes us reflexes speaking a little loudly.
Nearly 2 hours I went around in the production room. Quite tiring and squint. When I finished, I asked Ari's father to provide a suggestion box, a complaint or anything to put on paper and put in the box, and give him a maximum of 1 week.

I immediately headed for the elevator and rushed to my room."Vir, this morning's meeting is over?" I asked Vira after arriving at 5th floor and immediately met Vira in her office.

"In a moment sir, stay in print, I will deliver ..." Vira replied, I nodded and immediately headed to my room, lunch hour has passed. Somehow I was not hungry at all, immediately I headed to the kitchen in my room and made a cold drink."Do not you eat?" Vira asked who suddenly entered my room.

"Hi Vir, have not had time, not hungry too, it's over?" I asked.

"Yes, this is the sir of the meeting result report .." Vira thrust the report on my desk.

"Could it be brown from Sasha's sister and sir?" Vira smiled seductively.

"How much do you pay Sasha to have chocolate on the table?" I asked, smiling thinly."I am sir, I just want to see Sasha's mother and Mr. El together, yes although the consequences are a bit heartbroken, which is important Mrs. Sasha happy .." Vira replied, drama. Original if you see him again chaotic mind must be immediately entertained and reflex laugh.

"Tacky .." I replied.

"You want chocolate? It's still intact .." I continued."no sir, thank you .. I have excuse .." Vira said goodbye out of my room.

"Thank you Vir .." I replied while drinking my drink. I remember there was some bread and some snacks in the fridge, I took it and made it stomach wedge. Not bad.

The day is quite busy, it was not already at 8 pm, I immediately cleared my desk.putting Sasha's chocolate into the fridge because she has not yet eaten it.

I have to discuss with the father of my meetings today however I have to keep asking for his opinion, his advice, or maybe his bright idea. In terms of experience Mr. Dega would have experienced many things, so I really need the opinion.

This night's journey is not as congenial this morning, but it's still crowded.except for the long holiday festive of the big day when everyone is going home to hometown.

My phone rang slowly, call sign in, I immediately put on earphones

"Yes .." I replied

"Too busy ... to ignore my message .." Sasha's tenor's voice looked more serious than usual. I sigh, do not know if Sasha sent a message, I almost did not check my phone at all."Yeah, why? I almost do not hold the phone .." I replied.

"No wonder .." asked Sasha from across.

" you angry because of chocolate, so take care, do not be late to eat El .." Sasha continued.

"Okay .." I replied.

I mean what Sasha phone is just talking about, hmm what is forced marriage for her turns into a strange? I smile to myself made.A few minutes later I was almost home, about 20 meters away, I saw Arie's car coming out of the gate of the house and turning the car in the opposite direction so that our car did not pass each other.

My mind starts to wonder, twice I've encountered an awkwardness.what is it necessary for Mr. Arie to go home? My father Dega is not wearing his services.even though Mr. Dega is good friends with Mr. Arie but I know very well that Mr. Arie will not meet dad if there are not very important things, considering his busy occupation, I will run my car and go home, maybe I will find the answer, speculating on their own.


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