[Shorts] Out 'N About

One day she was walking through a lovely pathway surrounded by trees. The air was so fresh, when she took a lung full of breath, it felt cool and calm inside. Her moment of peace and serenity didn't stay that way for long, as she saw a dark figure, hunched over in a corner - it looked lonely and the air around it felt upsetting and so, against her better judgment, she walked closer to it.


Her: Hi there. Are you okay?

Dark Figure: Do I look okay?

Her: What's wrong?

Dark Figure: What is it that is so horrible about me? Why do people paint me in such a way that I should be discarded and kept at bay? Each and everyone messes with me and a moment later throws me out like a piece of garbage.

Her: Alright, that's a horrible thing to do.

Dark Figure: Well that's how it's been for eons. I'm evil and evil is prohibited.

Her: Geez you can't think of such a thing!

Dark Figure: Lady, what do you think I am?

Her: (laughs) Are you going to say you're the Devil?

Dark Figure: No, I'm not. I am much worse. I'm the evil inside you.

“The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people worse than they are.”
― Karl Kraus

Photo credit:He Who Must Not Be Named


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