My little girl! (short thriller/drama story)

He said he would look after her. He said he would help her. Because of him I am in this dark and cold room. Although I am glad I did. I am glad I took his life...

He brought her home that night, he said she was as good as gold and that it was a great night. My beautiful girl looked at me with innocent eyes, I could see that she was upset. A few minutes later he left and drove home. I asked my baby if she was okay. she muttered "no, daddy is mean!" I asked her what he had done and then she lifted up her sleeve and there was a bruise. A dark blue bruise. Anger controlled me. I sat on the sofa with her head in my arms. She is only 5, what monster would do that!? I had to do something. I HAD TO KILL HIM!

You may think I'm crazy, that taking his life may be too far. But HE was the one who was crazy, not me I was just doing a good deed. What good would he be on this Earth anyway?

Later that evening I hired a babysitter for a few hours, I tucked my princess in and kissed her good night. Then I grabbed my keys and my phone, got in the car and drove as fast as I could not even bothering to put my seatbelt on. My hairs on my arms were static, I knew that taking his life was right. Eventually I arrived at his house. Quickly I leaped out the car and went up to the window. I peeked in. All the lights were off. He must have gone to bed. I climbed over his fence and went to his back door. I still had the keys from when I was married to him - I used to be happy with him, but then that weasel came. I crept in. All was silent. Perfect! His new girlfriend wasn't in or else she would be lying underground too. I then sneaked up the stairs and opened his bedroom door. I did it so cautious- oh so very cautious. I had my knife that I had took from his kitchen. Carefully I tiptoed towards him and then I pounced. He screamed so then I quickly put my hand over his mouth. It was the best feeling ever being in control of him. I could tell he was in pain. HAHA. Just as he was about to close his eyes, a tear fell down his cheek...

And that was my short story I hoped you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. In the future I would like to write more dramas and hopefully get better at them as I get older! :D

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