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The Shit Post Diaries 1/17/18 (#4)


I would like to thank @mawit07 for bringing my attention to @ryacha21 and in so doing helped me discover a variation of rewards pool farming and shit posting; this time by use of the comment section.

I actually find this to be sneakier than just outright posting a stolen YouTube video or other shit covered inconsequential chunk of screen vomit and then transparently purchasing bot votes for it at the last minute.

This method of farming the rewards pool actually takes planning and a not unsubstantial investment in @minnowbooster to purchase SP and have it delegated to one’s own account for nefarious purposes.

So what exactly does the self serving dickhead marauding under the screen name @ryacha21 do?

Well it appears as if this particular shit jockey figured the easiest path to self enrichment and the one that would potentially fly under the radar would be to purchase $35,404.545 in leased SP from @minnowbooster. Then go about shamelessly making useless comments as a set up to come back and upvote 7 days later with the leased SP.

Cruising through the comment section of @ryacha21 is like following a barn rat back to his hole by following the turd trail. At first glance nothing seems particularly out of the ordinary until the comment dates approach the 6 day mark at which point they jump from .03 to $11.00 a piece.

I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt initially as I thought maybe he found some whale love and was getting continually stroked to completion over and over by the same user. This, however; was not the case and all his comment earnings come in the form of self votes due to pay out in hours after up voting them.


Comment created 7 days ago, upvoted 7 hours ago..

Not only that his ridiculously over rewarded comments are all star out of this world winners as you can see below and clearly worth $11.00 a piece (Do note sarcasm).


I found irony in his desire to comment the work of another prior to shit voting himself $11.00; apparently work not being something he knows anything about. Also it is good to know the he does aspire to be a good blogger someday, he just lacks any of the necessary attributes to make that a reality.

So I decided to check his wallet “ ” and holy shit balls batman does this self serving selfish knob jockey purchase a lot of SP from @minnowbooster to promote his shit comments.

So what does he do with his earnings? Invest in the Platform? Upvote other Steemains? Nope, Nope and Nope…


Like pretty much every shit posting (or now commenting) Steemit Parasite, its straight to bittrex for a cash out and then likely to Amazon for a shiny arm sized fist dildo he can use to fuck the platform a bit more with.

His vote history is here He sure loves himself, fuck everyone else.

So how can we combat this knucklehead? Good question, seeing as he has sufficient SP and REP (WTF, the rep thing needs fixed if tools like this can get above 25) to negatively impact the accounts of others in a flag war, the only plausible solution is to blow up @minnowbooster on Discord and have them cancel his SP leases and blacklist his punk ass. This does happen as we proved when we put the brakes on @amanat1993, the second shitpost winner in my new little series.

So let’s get to work and go after this imbecile by cutting his supply lines and then liberally flagging him once his defenses are down.

We may also be able to rally some help by notifying the larger players in the game by commenting them in on this.

Also feel free to use the neat badge below (created by @erodedthoughts) to call attention to other shit posts you find along the way. Typically if you comment his name he will help downvote GRADE A SHIT POSTS...


created by @erodedthoughts