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@berniesanders is Attacking the Blockchain and Filling it With Literal Shit!

poop  money.jpg

I logged in today to see that my post from yesterday had been flagged quite a bit.

Steemit is an incredible success.

Lucky for me I have a @fulltimebot shield that nullifies all flags cast against me.

I thought it was weird that such a positive post would garner such resistance, but then I remembered that @lyndsaybowes resteemed it and there is a flag war going on with @berniesanders so it made more sense.

Then I noticed the 150 spam comments and saw those wonderful pictures of what I assume is @berniesander's literal shit in a toilet.

Here's a link to the picture that you should never click. Ever.


First of all, when is the last time you cleaned that toilet?
Six months?
It would seriously take you like 3 minutes.

Second, I worry that your diet isn't that great if you are taking shits like that, bro.
I'm worried about you, friend.

Third, the link to this picture is being posted on the blockchain thousands of times. The thought of hundreds of nodes saving this link thousands of times until the end of Steem is somewhat bothersome.

Fourth, I grossed myself out way worse typing "gross" into Google to find that Ernest.gif.

You can do better.

@lyndsaybowes posted a hilarious kid's book on the subject today. It rings true.


Thank you.

Viruses are a very important part of any ecosystem; biological or digital.
You make this platform stronger by pointing out exactly which exploits need to be eradicated.

Good job. Keep up the good work.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Stand a little taller.

At least one person is trying to mitigate these damages: @fulltimegeek
Hopefully we see some actions on fronts similar to this with other groups like @dolphincouncil

I myself am more incentivized to put in real work (not blogging) with stuff like this going on and all the new developments like @steemalliance and such.


One useful error that Bernie has pointed out is that comments don't load when you spam someone with links to pictures. Both and seem to be affected by this oversight. If you check @lyndsaybowes' post you'll see that no comments are displayed even though there are thousands. Mostly pictures of literal shit. What a crime that we can't see all that spam!

There are no comments yet.

Seriously though this behavior makes it very obvious that bloggers should own their own page. Everyone should have the option to moderate their own comments section manually. I'm honestly surprised this doesn't exist yet, as it seems like it wouldn't be that hard to implement.
