
Since my last post about changing habits, I figured I'd post an update on how it's gone.

The good

I've been drinking more water, less soda and coffee.

It's been kind of irritating at times but it's gone surprisingly well so far. Haven't checked if there's been any difference in weight yet but it'd be too soon to check up on that either way.

The bad

I was planning on walking daily and increasing the distance by a bit until I hit a good amount of 5k+ steps, I even prepared some podcasts to listen to while I walk but on the second day after my initial post my shin muscles were hurting like crazy. This is normal for me in the past, whenever I had gained some weight they'd start to hurt during my first sesssions of jogging but it was surprising that they already started to hurt due to just walking. The reason is most likely the elevation, my route I walk on has quite a few ups and downs and while I was trying to keep a constant pace I think the ups put pressure on my shin muscles. They were quite in pain for the next two days but today the pain has gone away so I'm looking forward to doing the walk today.


The 16th was the day the pain was the worst so I didn't do any walking except a little around the house where I didn't have my phone on me. The next day we decided to go to this one restaurant we've been meaning to check out due to them having some swedish dishes in their menu, afterwards we decided to go to this big supermarket to purchase ingredients for healthier food I can make at home both to save costs and fix my eating habits.

Ever since I had my gallbladder removed I should've taken better care of what and how I eat. What being healthier, less fatty and less red meat and how meaning I should eat smaller portions throughout the day. I plan to make sandwiches that I can eat once or twice per day in small amounts and also eat less of the regular meals in between them.

I guess other things to place on the "good" list would be me stepping away from the pc a bit more often these last few days. On the 15th we even went to buy some gardening things to plant some seeds as a hobby with @hiddenblade which could make for some fun content to post here and there along with my other healthy plans.

My sleep has also improved lately, been falling asleep around 10-11pm every day and woke up at 7-8am, it's gotten a bit longer for some reason but it's probably due to me switching back to regular rhythm which may take some time to adapt. As usually I would've pushed it forward a few hours by now, I'm hoping I'll be able to keep falling asleep at the same hour every night now as my body will need that stabilization which will help a lot of other things get better such as energy and clearer thinking (I think).

Anyway, that's it for today. Definitely planning on going for a walk in the afternoon today as my shins aren't in pain anymore, I expect some more pain after this next walk but hopefully it recovers faster this time.

Thanks for reading!

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