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Shadow Government That Runs Illegally To Control The Nation - Just Look Inside! (Proof!) part 2

Next we have J.S.O.C. which is "The Joint Special Operations Command," which is the President of the United States secret Army.  Most people don't know that they exist.  It's a secret army that the President can quietly send out into any form or field; NSA, CIA, FBI, NGA, NRO, DIA, DHS, DOS or DNI any special operations they want, which includes lethal force.  

Above that, you've got the National Security Agency, or the N.S.A.  They are directly connected to Silicon Valley as we have seen Google, Yahoo, Facebook, HP, BOX, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Apple, Cisco, Texas Instruments, Ebay, Symantec, Ruckus Wireless and the list goes on.  Silicon Valley uses Facebook and Google and all these places online for surveillance on United States citizens, and all over the world as a matter of fact.  

The C.I.A. is the central hub of the shadow government and was created out of the Council On foreign Relations, or C.F.R. in 1921.  The C.F.R. was behind the creation of the C.I.A.  The C.F.R. was also staffed by a lot of the members of the Mainstream Media - go figure!  This includes Philip & Katherine Graham of the Washington Post, who were part of the C.F.R. and who were also a part of Operation Mockingbird.

Operation Mockingbird was publishing information on behalf of the C.I.A.  to change public opinion within the United States.  It used the C.I.A. as a hub to influence people through media, and they began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.  It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.  It also involved wiretapping of journalists that stood in the way of their agenda.  

So you can see the size of this massive secrecy that is going on within the shadow government colluding with the deep state to carry out their agendas.    

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