Way off topic: 💋 For the Love of a Good Blow Job

Today I’m having some fun and I’m going way off topic!
I am probably going to labeled a pervert or cock tease for this. Oh well, I’ve been called worse, I guess.

Please understand, for the love of all things holy, I am not writing this in an attempt to gain male attention. I’m sure your specimen is magnificent, but before you ask, NO! Im not interested in giving you head (or seeing a picture).

I realize that as a female I am not supposed to enjoy the art of fellatio. Blow jobs are often spoken of as a necessary part of being a chick. It’s not called a job for nothing, or so the bullshit saying goes. I know that the attitude by which I approach something often dictates how much I enjoy it, or not. I think it applies here.

There are as many opinions about lip service as there are people. One riot of a lady I met joked that she only performs if she gets a treat out of it. Like a vacation, car or jewlery kind of treat.

Other ladies subscribe to a tit for tat perspective. They won’t go down, if he won’t go down.


Then, there is the outrageous lie that feminists should not give or enjoy blow jobs. Poppycock!

The best blow jobs are female empowerment at it’s best. In our male-centric view of sexuality, fellatio is often perceived as just another act in which women are differential to men. Contrary to popular perception, most women don’t give head on their knees. We’re not bowing down to worship the damn thing.

At its worst, a blow job is just another hole for guys to fuck. That’s not much fun.

However, a great blow job can turn the toughest man into a quivering, subservient mess. In a world where men are leaders, it must be nice to let go and have someone else in the driver seat. It gives us represed femmes a chance to have complete control even if its just for a moment. I must be a twisted fuck, but the power trip is exquisite for me. At least I’m not the only girl who finds giving pleasure orally a massive turn on.

Esquire did a poll a while ago and found that 30% of women LOVE giving blow jobs. To the 30% I say 'Fuck Yeah! You get it!' The right partner, mood, expertise and bingo-bango. It’s the most fun you can have for free (provided there’s no jewelry involved).

Whether you enjoy blow jobs as an appetizer, main course, or not at all. I wish you and your partner many happy endings...

...and who the fuck cares if you swallow or not?!

Awwe, you’re upset I didn’t give any tips for a great blow job? Here’s one; read Comso

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