Causes of vaginal dryness is not because betel leaf

Efficacy of betel leaf in order to maintain vaginal health there have been many who know. However, there is the thought that this is precisely the one plant can cause vaginal dryness. Really?

But the supposition is not true aka just a myth only.

Vaginal dryness is a condition that occurs due to the decrease in hormone levels of estrogen in a woman's body. Not attributable with betel leaves.

Thus, the betel leaf can function as antibacterial and antifungal, useful mengobat infection.

Even, researchers suspect, antiseptic substances existing in the betel leaf could help prevent and cope with abnormal vaginal discharge

While the occurrence of vaginal dryness due to the estrogen hormone levels decline. It could be due to menopause, childbirth or breast feeding, and the use of certain hormonal contraceptives.

Other Causes Of Vaginal Dryness

other causes of vaginal dryness:

  • Her pussy exposed to detergents

  • Never undergo surgical removal of the ovaries or ovarian

  • Allergy sufferers

  • Have diabetes mellitus

  • Being in the program of cancer treatment such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy

While the use of betel leaf does not affect the levels of the hormone estrogen at all

scientific evidence has also pointed out, the betel leaf is not proven to cause vaginal dryness. Quite the contrary, acts as a natural antiseptic that inhibits the growth of bacteria is the cause of abnormal vaginal discharge.

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