Sexual rituals of the world

Sambia, New Guinea

The young men of the Sambia tribe of New Guinea are away from the women for a while to perform oral sex on the best warriors and thus swallow their semen before they can sleep with the women of their town.

Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, there was a belief that the Nile River grew by the ejaculations of the god Atum, so when the Pharaohs had grown they performed rituals in which they masturbated and ejaculated in the Nile as a sign of power.

Kreung, Cambodia

The Kreung tribe located in Cambodia builds 'love huts' for young teenagers. Singles can spend many nights in these places until they choose the person they want to marry.

Mangaia Island

The 13-year-old children who belong to the island of Mangaia, sleep with women much older than them to teach them to control themselves and satisfy women.

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