The lovers of antique motorcyles

Good night stemian hopefully always in health. This night i will write about antique motorcyles.

The older the more interesting

so they say the lovers of antique motorcycles.
Now the antique motor has been used as a cool vehicle for the bikers.
With its uniqueness to make the bikers comfortable ride an old iron. In Indonesia itself has so much the establishment of the old iron communities
In fact they really love their antique motorcycle because for the bikers it is the most valuable thing.
Selamat malam stemian mudah-mudahan selalu dalam kesehatan.malam ini gua akan nulis tentang motor antik .

Makin tua makin menarik

begitulah kata mereka para pecinta motor antik.
Sekarang motor antik sudah dijadikan suatu kendaraan yang keren buat para bikers.
Dengan keunikannya membuat para bikers nyaman mengendarai besi tua .di indonesia sendiri sudah begitu banyak berdirinya komunitas-komunitas besi tua
Bahkan mereka sangat mencintai motor antik mereka karena bagi para bikers itu adalah benda yang paling berharga.

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