Seriously? - Clean Sweep

#9757 Laptop HDD Full

Could somebody look at freeing up some space on my laptop hard drive, please:

    Drive Size: 236GB
    Used Space: 219Gb
    Free Space: 16.8GB

Tomorrow would be great as I should be able to create a period when I do not need to use it.

My initial reaction was scream: "ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU CAN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO LOOK THROUGH AND DELETE YOUR PICTURES?" then I realised this was a complete Duffus who just dumps everything on their laptop. They don't even understand how OneDrive works; he has around 7GB of data on that. Now I suspect he thinks, "Well, it's all in the cloud, isn't it?" Err, no, not unless you only use web access. If you've got the OneDrive folder on your computer and are syncing, then the same amount of data is on your hard drive as is in your cloud storage. And who needs to keep 7GB of email? Have these people never heard of archiving, at the very least.

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